Exhibition Valery Polunovsky "Pictures for the Theater"
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с 11 Июня
по 25 АвгустаСанкт-Петербургская государственная Театральная библиотека
ул. Зодчего Росси, д. 2
From June 11 to August 25, 2019, an exhibition of works by the artist Valery Polunovsky “Pictures for the Theater” will be opened at the St. Petersburg State Theater Library.
Valery Isaakovich Polunovsky in 1988 graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography (LGITMiK), the workshop of Gennady Petrovich Sotnikov. Here, for nearly thirty years, he has been teaching and managing a workshop of production artists.
Valery Isaakovich designed more than a hundred performances in theaters of Russia, Ukraine, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia. He worked as the main artist of the operetta theater in Krasnoyarsk and in the Novgorod Drama Theater. He is currently the chief artist of the Baltic Fleet Theater.
On an ongoing basis, collaborates with the Small Drama Theater of Leo Ehrenburg. He is the author of the scenery for the performances "At the Bottom", "Yu", "Ivanov", "Three Sisters", which won the awards of many theater festivals.
Nominee for the "Golden Mask" for the performance of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov’s "Vassa Zheleznova."
Among the most significant works: "Dowry" in the Moscow Theater. Mayakovsky, “Duck Hunt” in the Russian Drama Theater of Tallinn, “Three-Penny Opera” and “Notes from the Dead House” in the theater named after Lunacharsky (Kemerovo).
The exhibition “Pictures for the Theater” in the Theater Library is interesting in that, unlike previous personal exhibitions of Valery Polunovsky, for the first time it acquaints viewers who know the artist as an easel painter and graphic artist with his works as a theater artist - sketches of sets and costumes for the staged performances, as well as with projects that exist only in the imagination of the author…
Free admission.
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