Exhibition by Vadim Krasovsky "Face Illusion"
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с 15 Января
по 14 МартаКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104

On January 15, the exhibition of Vadim Krasovsky "The Illusion of Faces" will open at the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenina st., Exhibition hall). Pictures from coins.
Vadim Krasovsky (creative pseudonym Vadis).
Belarusian artist, born in Mogilev.
The main genre in which the artist works is portrait graphics. His works are in private collections of residents of countries such as Russia, USA, Canada, Spain, Great Britain, Germany, India.
For a long time he was fond of numismatics, not missing the opportunity to purchase various coins. Over time, there were a lot of coins, especially coins from the times of the USSR, and in 2015 the idea of creating works (portraits) from coins was born. This is how the creative project "Kirino Praddo" arose, and the author calls the technique (genre) itself - facemoney illusion ".
In 2018, the Russian Academy of Arts, represented by its president Zurab Tsereteli, thanked the artist for the performance of works of art in this unique technique. In the same year, within the framework of the "People’s Exhibition" project, the work "Portrait of Nikolai Romanov" was presented, timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Emperor, becoming a finalist of the project. Next year, in the format of the same project "People’s Exhibition", the portrait of "Salvador Dali" became the winner of this exhibition-competition.
In February 2020, the Mogilev Regional Museum hosted the premiere display of the entire collection of the author "Intrigue… the beginning…".
Honored artist of the Russian Federation Nikas Safronov was present at the opening of the exhibition by special invitation, as a guest of honor, because it was he, five years ago, at the first meeting with Vadis, who gave his professional assessment of the new genre and inspired the artist to create a series of these works.
In July 2020, under the auspices of the Union State Committee, the updated project "Intrigue… Continued…" became a participant of the XXIX International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk".
The exposition includes portraits of famous people of the past and present, made from coins of the USSR. It is also symbolic that the images of some of the heroes presented to the viewer were printed and are still being printed on the banknotes of various countries. The exhibition allows the viewer to touch art, in the truest sense of the word, because each of these coins has been touched by millions of human hands, and each of them has preserved and carries in itself the incomprehensible energy of the lives lived.
The artist invites the viewer to look at money from a shocking new angle, break the boundaries of stereotypes and feel the deep energy of times, coins and human destinies.
Each picture of the exposition numbers from two to four thousand old, and one can already say - antique coins, and the complex process of processing metal from corrosion, hand painting each individual coin, and their subsequent painstaking coating with protective layers - can take many months.
The exhibition will run until March 14.
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