Exhibition "In Search of the Light. The Magic of Luminography"
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с 10 по 26 Ноября
Галерея современного искусства “Моховая-18”
ул. Моховая, д. 18
The Mokhovaya-18 Gallery of Contemporary Art presents the exhibition “In Search of the World. The Magic of Luminography ”, which will be held from November 10-26, 2016.
Light painting is a fixation of a living, trembling, unstoppable energy, its transformation by the hand of a master into a means for transforming the surrounding world. The flight of time, refracted in the lights of the city, the element of magical flashes, reflections. This is all luminography.
Light, as a pictorial device, attracts artists for a long time, becoming, depending on the goals, not just a technical stage, but the basis of composition, an emotional dominant or a force that helps to breathe life into a work.
In the work of St. Petersburg photo artist Vladimir Mikhaylutsa, light becomes not only a part of a work of art, but the main object and center of composition, as well as a means to create a work. All the works were done with his help, thanks to the skill of the author, who recorded the movement of light fluxes, the beauty and compositional harmony of a ray piercing the darkness, the magic of a living changeable radiance, opening the curtain to the viewer of one of the secrets, the secrets of implementation: the separation of light from darkness.
The exhibition can be visited daily from 11.30 to 19.30, the day off is Sunday, Monday.
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