Exhibition "Waiting ..."
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с 27 Февраля
по 10 МартаG8 Gallery
Одинцовский р-н, Рублево-Успенское ш. Горки-8, д. 275 (здание АБЦ)
Fine Art Gallery and G8 Gallery have the honor to invite you to the “Waiting…” exhibition
Exhibitors: Dmitry Alekseev, Varvara Bakhmeteva, Lavrenty Bruni, Valeria Kravchuk, Tatyana Chernova, Dmitry Shorin.
Is not it true that the mere name of the exhibition takes us away from everyday life to another, open space of expectation of happiness, a joyful meeting, traveling, and at the end of winter - to the keen dream of summer. Joy, not aggravated by worries, reigns in the paintings presented at the exhibition, full of flowers and leaves. These are flowers, bright, festive, they are collected in bouquets, or form a round dance of dancing flowers, which, interwoven in their movement, involve spectators and the whole environment in it. Among the flowers are recognizable sunflowers, lilacs, roses, especially simple field plants and others, which are especially sweet to our hearts. Bouquets are collected from flowers growing in any garden, collected for themselves, for their home. Artists admire flowers as the creation of God and the hands of men, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in this admiration.
Each author uses flowers in his paintings as a way of expressing his own meanings. So, Bruni’s paintings are almost always named by a woman’s name, which in his opinion corresponds to this particular bouquet of these flowers. Dmitry Alekseev through flowers creates a hymn to the beauty that reigns in the world. Varvara Bakhmetyeva is dominated by flowers, for example. gladiolus, dahlia, symbolizing a strong masculinity. Tatyana Chernova’s paintings are the result of a fusion of the aesthetics of antiquity and Art Nouveau, her flowers bloomed among the ancient Greeks, they are still blooming. The works of Dmitry Shorin are essentially greeting cards, but when enlarged to a huge size, they become symbols of the holidays. Irina Filatova
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