Exhibition "Sea Level" by the famous underwater photographer Andrei Gorodissky
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с 13 по 22 Октября
Центральный Дом художника
Крымский Вал, 10
At the exhibition "Sea Level" a collection of Impressions will be presented, collected over many years from all over the world. You will see works telling about unfamiliar worlds, faraway places and bizarre forms. Together with the author of the photographs you will discover the beauty, usually inaccessible to the human eye.
All photographs at the exhibition are combined into five themes.
Natural design. Nature elegantly, creatively and creatively creates various forms, accompanying them with amazing, sometimes unexpected, but always harmonious color combinations. Much of what is presented in this section is created at the micro level and cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Painted in black. With the development of color photography, black and white photography has ceased to be the only way of painting, and has become one of the tools for creating a photographic image. This section presents works that, in black and white, more clearly capture the dynamics of movement and the unusual shape.
Handmade stone. Traveling to different countries and looking at different eras, civilizations and cultures, it is always amazing how inspiring and creative power people created monuments made of stone. Sometimes it seems that they conveyed to their creations part of their most complex emotions, animating them. This section presents some impressions of creations created by people centuries and millennia ago.
They. We cannot but share with the audience the impressions of the inhabitants of the underwater world. They are so different, sometimes funny, sometimes very beautiful, and sometimes formidable and powerful. Many of them are so biologically perfect that they have not needed evolutionary processes for hundreds of millions of years.
Cenotes of the Maya. The huge and extremely ramified system of caves filled with fresh water of the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) is called the Maya Cenotes, because this people used them for ritual burials. There is almost no more surreal and fantastic place on the Planet. Incredible shapes and sizes of stalactites and stalagmites, formed millions of years ago when there was still no water in the caves, an incredible “laser show” created by sunlight refracting in the water, huge cave halls with unearthly landscapes, perfectly clear water, creating a stable illusion that you are “floating” in zero gravity on some other planet, through the looking glass of a black mirror of the surface of water under the vaults of caves, which absorbs all rays and reflects only stalactites hanging in black outer space, as it were. o describe the impressions of this natural phenomenon.
about the author
Andrei Gorodissky became interested in underwater photography in 2000 and for these 17 years he dived with a camera in almost all the areas most interesting for the photographer. The beginning was laid by dives in tropical waters traditional for divers, each year the complexity of dives increased, as did the significance and uniqueness of the frames obtained as a result of these dives. Today, Andrei Gorodissky is one of the leading underwater photo artists in Russia. Gradually, the passion for underwater photography grew into a serious passion for photography, and he began to shoot a lot on the ground.
Andrei Gorodissky: “So far we only know two habitats of living matter, separated by the surface of the water or sea level. Since childhood, I dreamed of traveling on our Planet, which would give me the opportunity to learn the two components of our large world - the underwater world and the terrestrial world. I always wanted to see everything with my own eyes and form my impressions, and the extremely fascinating and exciting occupation of photography gave me the opportunity to capture these impressions and share them with other people. At this exhibition, I present to the audience some of these impressions. "
The exhibition will be held from October 13 to 22 at the Central House of Artists at the DNA Exhibition Hall (Krymsky Val, Building 10). The exhibition will be open from Tuesday to Sunday from 11.00 to 20.00. Monday is a day off. Entrance to the exhibition is free for visitors to the Central House of Artists.