Exhibition "Ural:
Images and Myths"
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с 20 Февраля
по 26 АпреляПермская государственная художественная галерея
Комсомольский проспект, 4
The exhibition "Urals: Images and Myths" combines painting, graphics and various objects of decorative art around the theme of the Urals. Ural nature, history, architecture, mythology are cross-cutting themes for the work of many artists of the Kama region since the beginning of the 20th century. These topics were central to the research of the art critic, director of the Perm Art Gallery from 1925-1949, Nikolai Serebrennikov, and to the acquisition of the gallery.
The image of the Urals is most vividly embodied in the picturesque landscapes of Alexander Repin, Timofei Kovalenko, watercolors of Ivan Borisov, Konstantin Sobakin, pastels by Galina Khomenko and others. The famous Ural stone is represented by the works of stone-cutters Anatoly Moiseevich and Anatoly Vasilievich Ovchinnikovs, Stepan Krivoshchekov and other masters. Viewers will also see the enamels of Stepan Kolyupanov, Anatoly Filimonov, Alexei Kutergin, stained-glass windows of Ravil Ismagilov, batiks of Galina Khomenko, tapestries of Elena Kudryavtseva, ceramics of Natalya Korchemkina and Inna Rogova.
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