Exhibition "Educational Drawing"
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с 16 Октября
по 17 НоябряГалерея искусств Зураба Церетели
ул. Пречистенка, 19
The exhibition “Educational drawing” is dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the creation of a workshop of monumental painting by the national artist of Russia, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, professor Alexander Kirovich Bystrov at the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. E. Repin at the Russian Academy of Arts. The basis of the exhibition is drawings by students of the III, IV, V and VI courses, as well as assistant trainees who were trained in the workshop. These works present various educational tasks: from two-figure and three-figure studies of a nude model, drawings larger than life-size and costumed portraits, to preparatory sketches for diploma projects.
It was in the educational drawing, which is the basis of academic art education, that the pedagogical attitudes of the workshop of A. K. Bystrov were manifested to the greatest extent. Established at the Imperial Academy of Arts and inherited by the I. Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, the tradition of teaching drawing as a universal discipline devoid of specialization has ceased to meet the requirements of the times. The first St. Petersburg monumental artist Alexander Bystrov turned to the search for other ways, in practice he proved the effectiveness of the ideas he proposed with his monumental works. A.K. Bystrov is the author of more than a dozen mosaic and stained glass compositions for St. Petersburg metro stations, murals of the restored Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow and the Znamensky Cathedral in Kursk, as well as a number of panels for private and public buildings in St. Petersburg.
Having headed the personal workshop in the 2008/2009 academic year, Alexander Bystrov defined the main direction of the learning process: “mastering the laws of monumentality as a creative task”. The essence of this technique is to integrate professionally oriented tasks into the structure of the discipline “Drawing” without undermining its academic focus. To achieve the stated goal, Associate Professor of the Department of Drawing Anna Ivanovna Denderina developed a special set of training tasks that are successfully integrated into the existing program according to the drawing of the I.E. Repin Institute.
In particular, the exhibition presents drawings of the head and figures of a person larger than life size, in the process of creating which students are trained to work with a large format. In such tasks, the model is often depicted on a black, dark or contrasting background. This is necessary in order to reveal the dominance of the spot silhouette over the modeling of the internal volume.
To enhance the rhythmic component, additional surroundings (draperies, still lifes, plaster forms, printing images) related to the theme of the assignment are included in educational settings. Complicated, thematic drawings of groups of figures, drawings in a non-standard geometric shape (circle, oval or tympanum), the use of a low horizon and a "bas-relief space" that preserves the impression of flatness of a pictorial surface - all this brings the study study closer to the problems of mural painting.
In addition to the use of classical graphic materials of drawing (sanguine, sepia, sauce, pencil) in the workshop of monumental painting by A.K. Bystrov, polychrome training tasks are carried out in three, four or five colors, including tempera paints, because it is in this technique, as as a rule, artists perform cardboard - full-size preliminary images of future monumental works.
An essential skill for monumentalists is the ability to depict the figure of a person in any position according to the idea, which is provided not by copying what he saw, but by the free construction of the form based on scientific knowledge. The extent to which this goal was achieved can be judged by how students perform compositional drawings according to their imagination, as well as preparatory sketches for future qualification work - mosaics, murals, stained glass.
Young artists immediately after graduation are included in the active work of monumentalists, participating in, and sometimes leading large projects, thereby proving the importance and timeliness of the adjustment of familiar educational postulates in accordance with the trends of modern monumental art. This exhibition is dictated by the desire to share with the wide audience and the professional community the results of the educational and creative activities of the workshop, as well as to acquaint art connoisseurs with talented young people entering the thorny path of the monumental artist.
Reporting photographs of Pavel Valeryevich Dolganov help the visitors of the exhibition to discover the creative atmosphere of the workshop, to see the young inspired faces of future monumental artists, revealing to the visitors of the exhibition the process of creating drawings and educational productions.
Thanks to the support of the rector of the I.E. Repin Institute, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Semyon Ilyich Mikhailovsky, an educational textbook by A. I. Denderina “Educational drawing in the workshop of monumental painting” was published by the anniversary, which is also presented at the exhibition.
The text is compiled on the basis of an article by A. I. Denderina
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