The exhibition "You are gone, but the flowers are left ..."
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с 3 Марта
по 19 АпреляМузейно-выставочный комплекс Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский переулок, 17

March 3 at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the School of Watercolors Sergei Andriyaka will open the exhibition "You left, but the flowers remained…", which is dedicated to the 120th birthday of Lydia Petrovna Rodina, the author of these compositions.
Lidia Petrovna was born on March 3, 1900 in the village of Prussy in the Kolomensky district of the Moscow province, and has lived all her life in Moscow. Her parents, Pyotr Pavlovich and Anna Nikolaevna Kupriyanovs, instilled in their daughter a love of their native places, taught them to subtly feel the grace of Russian nature.
It is not surprising that Lidia Petrovna, who understands the beauty of the world from early childhood, begins to get involved in herbariums.
The exhibition features 80 of her works.
Today we have the opportunity to travel back half a century and enjoy the amazing diversity of nature near Moscow. After all, all the plants for his paintings, Lidia Petrovna collected only in the suburbs.
Herbarium is a difficult thing to keep; dry plants are very fragile. This fragile frozen beauty becomes a symbol of the transience of being, turns into a memory of a moment that will never happen again.
The exhibition consists of such moments-memories. Each composition created by Lidia Petrovna keeps in herself the memory of some walk, event, meeting, the memory of bright moments and sad moments.
When a person’s earthly path ends, what remains after him is what he gave to people that he created for people. And the memory.
The kind memory of Lydia Petrovna Rodina lives in her amazing paintings, which are carefully kept by people close to her, and will be kept by the next generations.
The exhibition runs from March 3 to April 19.
We are waiting for you at the address: Gorokhovskiy per., 17.
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