Exhibition of the creative group "12". "Sides of color"
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с 8 Марта
по 9 АпреляГалерея В. Бронштейна
ул. Октябрьской Революции, д. 3
From March 8 to April 9, 2017 in the Irkutsk "Gallery of V. Bronstein" will be an exhibition of the creative group "12". As part of the exposition, “The Parties of Color”, works will be presented in the techniques of pictorial hot enamel and glass sintering (fusing).
The authors of the unique exhibition are the creative group “12”, consisting of Irkutsk artists - teachers of the department of monumental and decorative painting at IRNITU. The founder of the department is the People’s Artist of Russia Vitaly Smagin. His school of monumental painting released a large number of talented artists - the successors of Vitaly Georgievich. “The sides of color” can be considered a peculiar continuation of the current project “Legends” by Vitaly Smagin in the “V. Bronstein Gallery”.
Young. Sergeychuk Elena. 2015 year
“The technologies presented at the exhibition are one of the modern options for the development of painting. I can say with confidence that only about 200 artists constantly work with hot enamels in Russia. There are several times more masters in the technique of fusing, but not all of them are engaged in painting, preferring decorative and applied work, ”said Sergei Andreiko, a teacher at the Department of Monumental and Decorative Painting at IRNITU.
Siberian artists follow themes of a general cultural nature, turn to images from history, mythology, religion, using different techniques of "fire art" to very differently solve them. Modern painted enamel and fusing are closely connected with a centuries-old artistic tradition, but they are not exhausted by it. Today it is interesting, relevant and dynamically developing areas of modern fine art.
Dusk. Sergeychuk Elena. 2016 year
Viewers will be able to see about fifty works by famous Irkutsk masters: Sergey Andreiko, Evgenia Alekseeva, Svetlana Anosova, Maria Bykova, Natalya Dovnich, Dmitry Dorokhin, Olga Ignatieva, Anastasia Izhganaitene, Larisa Malkina, Nadezhda Malysheva, Elena Sergeychuk, Grigory Sverdlov.
Tickets cost 150 rubles (for adults), 50 rubles (for children 3-18 years old) and 50 rubles (for preferential categories of citizens).
- Cultural heritage in contemporary design
- Exhibition "Vitaly Smagin and his school. Decorative art"
- Exhibition "Vitaly Smagin and his school"
- Fire of creativity