Exhibition "Three Centuries of Russian Graphics from the Collection of Sergey and Tatyana Podstanitsky"
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с 16 Января
по 29 ФевраляМузейно-выставочный комплекс Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский переулок, 17
On January 16, at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Sergey Andriyaka School of Watercolor, the exhibition "Three Centuries of Russian Graphics from the Collection of Sergey and Tatyana Podstanitsky" will open.
The exhibition presents wonderful examples of landscape graphics of three centuries of Russian art. The collection contains the most famous names: D. Quarenghi, P. A Bryullov, A. N. Benois, M. V. Dobuzhinsky, E. E. Lansere and many others. Various works in terms of technique and type demonstrate the richness and wide possibilities of this genre of fine art.
Collecting is a special form of preserving cultural property. Not everyone can master this complex craft. In order to become successful in this area, you need to have a number of important personal qualities: professional instinct, artistic taste, scientific knowledge. This exhibition is impressive not only in the quality of selected works, but also in the variety of genres, themes and plots.
The attention of visitors to the exhibition will attract such a controversial genre of fine art as a cartoon. At the exhibition, one can observe a humorous portrait of Sergei Gerasimov, which was created by the famous Kukryniksy in 1956.
The most fully represented in the exposition is the portrait genre. Collectors are positively disposed to images of unidentified, unknown persons, if they feel a captured soul, the emotional state of the model in them.
A special place in the exposition is given to the domestic genre. Thanks to such works, we can observe the whole diversity of leisure of the common people for three centuries. Interesting in this section are the works of K. A. Savitsky, A. F. Chernyshev, K. V. Lebedev, A. I. Charlemagne.
The exhibition runs from January 16 to February 29.
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