Exhibition "Warm Northern Baikal"
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с 5 по 29 Июля
Усадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
In the Estate V.P. Sukacheva July 5 at 16.00 exhibition of art woodcarving "Warm North Baikal" opens. Its author Vladimir Kaurtsev has been working with wood for almost 40 years, and during this time he has created many amazing works on historical and ethnographic themes. Here you can see the images of Slavs and eastern warriors, Evenki beauties and shamans, fantasy forest spirits and fairy-tale characters.
Vladimir Nikolaevich Kaurtsev was born on September 24, 1951 in the village of Alekseevsky Zaton, Irkutsk Region. The inclinations for drawing, creativity, manifested by the artist in his childhood, were realized in a constant fascination with woodcarving. In 1985 he graduated from the People’s University of the Arts in the field of Decorative and Applied Arts, and even earlier, since 1979, he has been a regular participant in all-Russian, republican, and district exhibitions, and has been awarded various diplomas, including the VDNKh Medal of the USSR. Member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Buryatia. The author lives on the northernmost tip of Lake Baikal, in the village of Nizhneangarsk in the North Baikal region of the Republic of Buryatia, but it is in the Baikal region that the artist draws plots for most of his works, inspired by the amazing nature, images of the inhabitants of the taiga and Baikal waters, the intricate world of Siberian plants.
The exhibition features more than 40 copyright works: panels, sculptures, small plastic. The exposition “Warm Northern Baikal” will open on July 5 at 16.00 in V.P. Manor Sukacheva and will work until July 29. Entrance to the opening is free. Inquiries by phone: 53-12-24.
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