Exhibition "Mystery of the Depth" Automatic translate
с 29 Мая
по 27 ИюняКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
The Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (103 Lenina st.) Will host the Mystery of Depth exhibition. It is timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of Harry Gordon, a famous prose writer, poet and painter. Based on the literary works of G. Gordon, films of the same name were shot: "The Shepherd of His Cows" (2002) and "The Lights of the Brothel" (2011), both films were directed by the author’s son - journalist, radio and TV presenter Alexander Gordon.
Garry Borisovich was born in Odessa on July 12, 1941. He received his art education at the Odessa Art School, and then at the Leningrad Art School. V. I. Mukhina (now the Academy named after A. L. Stieglitz). He fills his paintings with bright memories of childhood: scows full of mullets, fishermen and wives waiting for them on the shore, cozy old city courtyards, where old people doze during the day, and in the evening everyone has a wedding together, and, of course, by the sea! Gordon’s painting is unhurried, trusting, with its own unique voice, breath, color. He is excellent in color, giving preference to pastel-pearl, muted, delicate tones. The exhibition will feature 30 paintings by Harry Gordon, written by him over the past three years, which, without a doubt,will give each viewer the atmosphere of a sunny, unhurried Black Sea town.
Exhibition “Mystery of Depth. Painting by Harry Gordon "will run from May 29 to June 27, 2021 at Kaluga, st. Lenin 103.
- "Portrait of Dorian Gray" Oscar Wilde, summary
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- Exposición de Harry Borisovich Gordon "Viga sumergida"
- Videokunst-Vorlesungsreihe