Exhibition of Tatyana Gromyko
Automatic translate
с 12 Апреля
по 21 МаяГалерея В. Бронштейна
ул. Октябрьской Революции, д. 3
From April 12 to May 21, 2017 in the Irkutsk "Gallery of V. Bronstein" will be a personal exhibition of Tatyana Gromyko. The exhibition presents 40 graphic works, the main theme of which is a woman. Irkutsk artist depicts a woman in the role of mother, muse and life partner.
In her graphic works, Tatyana Gromyko depicts nude female figures that fit into the natural environment. Everything breathes and is filled with such space, love and such tenderness that a woman does not appear as today’s typical or aesthetic ideal, but a real natural ideal. The ideal that inspires us with love and respect and, most importantly, gives us a feminine image of the earth-mother. Nudity drawings are alive, with expressive plasticity, many with poetic overtones.
“The most amazing, mysterious and beautiful creation on Earth is man. For me, drawing a naked female body is absolutely natural, simple and normal, through the associativity of body lines and forms with natural forms, like drawing trees, flowers, landscapes, still lifes, portraits, ”says Tatyana Gromyko.
Tatyana’s graphics are striking: clear, free, lively; receptions are diverse. Each line or spot is like a musical chord. They flow, pass from one form to another, accents change, an ornamental series of decorative decoration of the environment appears. As a result, the finest structure of compositional construction is created.
The new exhibition consists of several thematic series: Night Bathers, Beach, Russian Bathhouse, Ballet, Saturday Day, Mother and Child, Motherhood, Poetry, Artist and Model. Almost all graphic sheets presented at the exhibition were created in recent years. In this volume, they will be exhibited for the first time, which will truly reveal one of the main topics in the artist’s work.
Tatyana Gromyko was born in Tulun. In 1971 she graduated from the decorating department of the Irkutsk College of Arts. For almost five years she worked in a creative workshop with the outstanding artist of Irkutsk, Vitaly Georgievich Smagin. From 1976 to 1979 she worked as a book artist at the East Siberian Book Publishing House. She taught at the Irkutsk Regional Art College. Since 1971, she took part in youth, city, regional and area exhibitions, 15 of which were personal.
Tickets cost 150 rubles (for adults), 50 rubles (for children 3-18 years old) and 50 rubles (for preferential categories of citizens).
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