Exhibition "Freeze Frame. About Geometry"
Automatic translate
с 30 Марта
по 9 АпреляГалерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
In the “Nagornaya” Gallery of the Association “Exhibition Halls of Moscow”, an exhibition opens within the framework of the PhotoHunter project, which expresses the creative philosophy of young photo masters about the geometry of things and objects surrounding a person in everyday life. Six completely different photographers make one believe that fantasy and reality can come together.
Shapes, textures, rhythmic repetitions, symmetry, straight and curved lines - all these are eye-catching elements of geometry. Moreover, the geometry architecture represents a certain symbolic context, forming a system order. In fact, any environmental object can be compared with any geometric figure, and they all evoke different emotions and feelings. The famous formula attributed to Cezanne tells that the whole painting comes down to a cone, a cube and a ball, and the geometry that suddenly appears in ordinary and familiar things attracts attention, bewitches, even hypnotizes. But more often than not, a person misses most of the beautiful things, forgetting that even in the simplest moment of life, one can find unique moments: either bends of shapes, or contrast of light, or detail of a picture.
The exhibition consists of three parts: "Stairs", "Visible-Invisible" and "A Dream Comes True or the Seventh Continent of the Earth." Three new ideas, three fresh outlooks on life were combined under the general name “Freeze frame. About geometry. "
“We are always in a hurry somewhere and often just look, but don’t see the essence, we pass by, absolutely not paying attention to ordinary things, which very often are far from being so ordinary. One only has to stop for a moment, take a closer look, look at a different angle, and these very things acquire a completely new meaning. Such things are called abstraction. She surrounds us everywhere "(the authors of the project" Visibly Invisible ": Alina Usmanova, Elena Degtyareva, Alena Pavlyuk).
Pavel Seredkin, “Stairs”: “Photographing stairs, I urge you to take a step, climb a new step, and, most importantly, go through this staircase to the end. Perhaps she will lead you to the roof hatch. And he is to freedom ”
Maria Zalipaeva, “A dream comes true or the seventh continent of the Earth”: “Antarctica is the seventh continent of the Earth. For a very long time I dreamed of being in this place, and the dream came true! The unknown nature, the unusual forms of icebergs, and it’s finished, the animal world - all this is not only impressive, but also inspiring, and also sets a new tone for life and changes the general picture of the world! ”
Vyacheslav Prokopenko, photographer, videographer (“Visibly Invisible” project): “A person simply forgets that even in the simplest moment of life one can find unique moments: either bends of shapes, or contrast of light, or detail of a picture. The works that are presented at the exhibition call to think about what we are missing due to the frantic pace of life. They call for at least a short time to stop, look at the world from a different angle, and feel yourself here and now. ”
The exhibition will include lectures on photography, workshops on the development of creative thinking, meetings with photographers and designers.
Event program:
April 02 11.00-12.00 (3+)
Educational children’s interactive program "In the lens."
April 04 17.00-18.00 (9+)
Master class on photography “The role of color in art and photography”
Speaker: Evgenia Balokina - teacher at the educational center "Unium".
April 05 17.00-18.00 (12+)
Lecture "Photography as a lifestyle"
Invited guest. Belyaev Ivan (photographer from Mersedes-benz fashion week)
April 05 18.00-20.00 (12+)
Creative meeting with Pavel Seredkin, Vyacheslav Prokopenko
(tour, open microphone)
April 08 18.00 (12+)
Exhibition finish
PhotoHunter is a project that has no analogues on the territory of the Russian Federation; it is aimed at supporting young talented photographers and promoting photo art to the masses.
With the support of Unium, a federal network of educational centers.
The participants:
Elena Degtyareva, Maria Zalipaeva, Alena Pavlyuk, Vyacheslav Prokopenko, Pavel Seredkin, Alina Usmanova.
Association of Youth Media is a public association of media professionals. The main goal of the organization is to consolidate young people who are actively interested in journalism, photography, the film industry, pr and advertising
Gallery "Nagornaya" - one of the famous contemporary exhibition venues in the capital, the first state gallery in Moscow (started its work in 1978) (www.galereya-nagornaya.ru)
The Moscow Exhibition Halls Association is a state organization uniting various exhibition venues in a single modern urban space for the development of visual culture and educational activities among residents and guests of the capital (www.vzmoscow.ru)
Exhibition “Freeze frame. About geometry”0+
Dates: March 30, 2017 - April 9, 2017
Opening hours: Tue - Sun 11.00 – 20.00
Cost: 100 r. (50 p. - discount ticket)