Exhibition of typography by Lyubov Savelyeva "Morning Streams"
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с 15 Июня
по 15 ИюляРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
Savelyeva Lyubov Ivanovna - Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, People’s Artist of Russia, Professor, Moscow State Pedagogical Academy named after S.G. Stroganova. He works in the field of decorative art (glass, ceramics), and is also engaged in graphics, writes poetry. Her works are in many museums in Russia, in foreign museums and in private collections.
“… this is a rare Fairy in our far from magical life, with the touch of her invisible wand makes the glass sing wise, quiet songs and able to breathe on the pages of black bizarre hoarfrost letters, folding into verses that complete the drawings, and knowing how to create drawings that add verses.
“Everything ahead is not only eternity” - this wonderful line by Lyuba Savelyeva subtly expresses her faith in the undyingness of those magic that make up the secret of life. Lyuba Savelyeva looks at life in her expression
“From the side of a cold stream,
From the side that is a draw. "
But maybe this draw is the freedom that goes into belonging to everyone. In this case, she is right in saying: “Perhaps the main thing is that we managed to be born.” I think that in every woman a sorceress is hidden. But not everyone has the courage to bring this sorceress from within to the light of God, where she may be offended many times. But maybe they will understand ”
Evgeny Evtushenko // Love Saveliev: poetry - M., 1989.
“The gifted artist also appeared as a talented poet. Poems on the theme "I, you, the world", lay on the surface of objects, covered with small handwritten script the white pages of her painted copyright books. Divorced by type of art, the elements - plastic, image and poetic word - were combined in new types of decorative objects into an inextricable whole. In small books of poems by Lyuba Savelyeva, the lines comment on the image, and the figure explains the meaning of living thought in the text. We enter a new role, we are spectators and readers all rolled into one.
On each page of these poetry collections, drawings reproduce the appearance of the main character - she is here, she runs, disappears and reappears. This constant presence clearly reveals the meaning of lyric poetry, which in essence is a self-portrait. We recognize! The “drawn” look of the author reminds of the confessional meaning of the work of any lyricist.
Is it necessary to remind that literature has always been considered the main bearer of the personality principle in Russia? To express ourselves and reach out to the “other” in our area was natural in the word. But in the Lubin case, this word was a continuation of the stroke and spot, incisor and color. Word? Yes, but the artist’s word is about the artist. "
Stepanyan, N. Glass and poetry // Academia / - 2010№1
Date: 06/15/2016 - 07/15/2016
Location: Russian Academy of Arts. Management of book funds / Library of the Russian Academy of Arts (Moscow, Prechistenka, 21)
The library halls are open: Mon-Fri from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Entrance to the exhibition is free.