Exhibition "Special Drawing, or Graphics-non-graphics"
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с 4 Марта
по 17 АпреляГалерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
In the gallery "Nagornaya" opens the exhibition "Special Drawing, or Graphics-not-graphics" - the first independent exhibition project of four graphic artists, graduates of the Moscow Art and Art Museum in memory of 1905 (department "Graphic Design").
The attitude of novice artists to academic art developed during his studies at the Moscow State Art University. Studying traditional graphic techniques, turning to calligrams (graphic poems, the text of which is written in the form of drawings), then to collages, young artists searched for the necessary means for self-expression. The direction of their work, without a precise definition, was given the code name "Special Drawing".
The result of the creative experiments of the Quartet was the formation of an alternative view of the concept of graphics. Their innovative ideas took shape, transformed into images that are free from definitions. The exhibition will feature works created by the author’s method specifically for the exhibition, as well as video art.
The exhibition is held as part of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Moscow State Art Academy in memory of 1905.
Curator - artist and drawing teacher Vladimir Yakobchuk
Participants: Elizaveta Korunova, Evgenia Panina, Maria Popkova, Olga Rzheshniovetskaya
During the exhibition, a series of master classes will be held:
Fri March 11, 6 p.m.
Master class “Funny Puppy. Mixed media
Evgenia Panina, Elizaveta Korunova
Creation of creative work based on collage technique with elements of monotype and free drawing.
Thu March 24, 6 p.m.
Master class “Additive drawing. Collage"
Maria Popkova, Olga Rzheshniovetskaya
On the role of creative improvisation and the ability to see an unscheduled idea.
Thu March 31, 6 p.m.
Master class "Portrait in monotype"
Evgenia Panina, Maria Popkova
About the features of monotype (the type of printed graphics) and the creation of a fabulous portrait of a person based on his realistic perception.
Sun April 10, 11 a.m.
Elizabeth and Alexandra Korunova
"The miracle of our imagination"
lesson for children 4-10 years old
How not to be afraid of a clean slate? Lesson on the development of imagination and maintaining the desire to draw.
Gallery "Nagornaya" - the first state gallery in Moscow - began work in 1978. Initially, the gallery showed mainly academic painting (socialist realism, critical realism, “harsh style”, “left” MOSH), but over the years the focus has shifted towards modern digital technologies, multimedia, installations, photography.
The Moscow Exhibition Halls Association was created by the Moscow City Department of Culture in 2013. The Association includes 18 galleries located in nine districts of the capital.
The Moscow State Agricultural Academy in memory of 1905 is an art school founded in 1925, a leading educational institution, and a methodological center. Many great artists studied at the Moscow State Art University, including: Anatoly Zverev, Nikolai Vechtomov, Dmitry Plavinsky, Vladimir Dubosarsky.
- Connection, Exhibition of works by monumental teachers MGAHI
- The exhibition of works by artists and teachers of the Institute of Heinan (PRC) and Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I.Surikova
- Exhibition of Vera Lagutenkova in the gallery "On Novinsky"
- Eugene Datsko "Nostalgia. Teachers of the 60s, Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov is dedicated …"
- Master class (13+) "Additive painting"