Exhibition "Constellation of the Region:
Laureates of the Prize of the Governor of the Irkutsk Region"
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с 10 Марта
по 17 АпреляИркутский областной художественный музей им. В.П. Сукачева
ул. Ленина, 5
On March 10, in the Main building of the Irkutsk Art Museum (Lenin St., 5), the exhibition "Constellation of the Region: Laureates of the Governor’s Prize of the Irkutsk Region", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Irkutsk Region and the 90th anniversary of the Irkutsk branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, opens. The exposition includes more than 150 works of painting, graphics, sculpture and arts and crafts from the funds of the museum and artists’ studios.

The exhibition "Constellation of the Region" presents the works of artists awarded the Prize of the Governor of the Irkutsk Region in different years. The exposition is retrospective in nature and reflects the stages of the existence of the award from the moment of its establishment to the present.

During the existence of the Governor’s Prize (since 1998), 65 artists, 5 art critics and museum workers have been awarded it. The exhibition presents more than 150 works of painting, graphics, sculpture and arts and crafts from the funds of the museum and workshops. Among the presented works are the works of folk and honored artists of the Russian Federation: Boris Bychkov, Anatoly Alekseev, Alexander Muravyov, Lev Serikov, Sergey Eloyan, Raisa Bardina-Shpirko, Sergey Kazantsev, Arkady and Natalia Lodyanov, Natalia Sysoeva and many others.

The exhibition "Constellation of the Region: Laureates of the Governor’s Prize of the Irkutsk Region" will run in the Main Building of the Irkutsk Art Museum (Lenin St., 5) until April 17. Phone for inquiries and appointments for excursions: 34-01-46. We remind you of the need to observe the mask regime and social distance when visiting the museum.
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