Exhibition "A Dream Through Reality (The Secret Worlds of Sergey Frolakov)"
Automatic translate
с 13 Октября
по 5 НоябряГалерея современного искусства “Моховая-18”
ул. Моховая, д. 18
The Mokhovaya-18 Gallery of Modern Art presents the exhibition “A Dream Through Reality (The Secret Worlds of Sergey Frolakov)”, which will be held from October 13 to November 5, 2016.
Sleep, a refraction of feelings, which carries the viewer into the world of emotions, sensations, signs. Surrealism - the superreality of the artistic images that inhabit the author’s world makes you take a closer look at the familiar streets of the City in search of creatures that fill them.
This fully corresponds to mystical realism - not so much an artistic style as a mental type of a creative person: clearly visible subconscious images, reliably depicted otherworlds, the entrances to which are indicated by the artist in topographically precisely indicated, really existing places, for example, on Pestel Street or on the arrow Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg. The general plot-event drama, which unfolds on the master’s canvases, is a metamorphosis: man-made and natural, from local objects and scenes to global panoramas. Carefully written, tangible, they blur the line between the world of reality - familiar tangible images and the world of sleep, where implicit creatures are masters of the situation. And the more realistic, familiar, materialistic the image is made, the sharper the feeling of duality, which makes you listen to the versatility of meanings and associations. Thus, realistic landscapes, sounding in a duet with metaphorical images, are some kind of catalysts that enhance the feeling of mystery and duality of the author’s artistic and philosophical worldview.
Opening hours: from 11.30 to 19.30, day off - Sunday, Monday.