Exhibition "Treasures of the times" (Republic of Tyva)
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с 18 Февраля
по 21 МартаУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
On February 18, the exhibition "Treasures of the Times" from the Republic of Tyva starts working at the V.P.Sukachev Estate (December events st., 112). The exposition includes about 100 works of stone-cutting art and sculpture by Tuvan masters, members of the Union of Artists of Russia, participants and laureates of numerous exhibitions in Russia and abroad.
Today in Tuva there is a whole school of craftsmen, whose stone-cutting craft is one of the treasures of Russian folk art. The works of the masters have won universal recognition. They are distinguished by their impeccable mastery of the material, be it bronze or ornamental stone, from which the works are made, as well as respect for the traditions of the past. The masters of stone-cutting art of Tuva find inspiration in the images of their native nature, fauna and folk crafts.
The traveling exhibition project "Treasures of the Times" was organized in 2010 at the initiative of the members of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Tuva Heimer-ool Dongak, Yuri Oorzhak and Alexander Baranmaa. The main goal is to popularize Tuvan stone-cutting art. The exhibition has already visited Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Prokopyevsk, Barnaul, Omsk, Abakan, Ulan-Ude and Taiwan.
The exhibition "Treasures of the times" will run in the Estate of V. P. Sukachev (December Sobytiy st., 112) until March 21. Due to the difficult epidemiological situation, visiting the museum is possible only by appointment (tel.: 53-12-24). The museum has a mask mode.
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