Exhibition of Sergei Stroganov "Messengers of Peace"
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с 16 Июня
по 1 АвгустаУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
On June 16, the exhibition of the Moscow animal artist Sergei Stroganov "Messengers of Peace" begins in the Estate of V.P.Sukachev (December Sobytiy St., 112). The exhibition project started in London and has already visited several Russian cities with the support of WWF. The exposition contains more than 30 works made in the technique of pencil drawing, a significant part of which is presented in the currently popular direction of hyperrealism.
The project aims to tell viewers about the beauty and fragility of the world around them. With his works, the artist tries to remind viewers of the responsibility of each of us for the vulnerable balance between man and nature, to draw attention to endangered animal species that can still be preserved on the planet. The images of animals presented at the exhibition are individual and laconic. Stroganov does not set as his goal a simple drawing of animals, he always strives to create a work filled with harmony and special mood. His characters are filled with life and are depicted in such a way that their silent message becomes clear to the viewer.
The Messengers of Peace exhibition will be open at the V. P. Sukachev Estate (112 December Events St.) until August 1. For inquiries by phone: 53-12-24. Ticket prices: adult - 250, discount - 150.
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