Exhibition by Sergei Isipov, "Roads of my intersection"
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с 7 Июня
по 30 АвгустаТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "Current". 10+

Each canvas by Sergei Isypov captures the viewer in parallel reality. Poetically mysterious paintings, like those of Magritte, make you think about the secret connection of the things depicted. The image of an object in Isypov’s paintings is far from the object itself, but part of a complex intellectual rebus.
Sergey Isypov, participant of more than one hundred Russian and foreign exhibitions, member of the Union of Artists of Russia (monumental art section), lives and works in St. Petersburg. The author’s works are in private collections in Russia, Germany, USA, Poland, etc.
- "Enchanted Pose" - the last fragment of a painting by Magritte found in Brussels
- Exhibition "Rene Magritte. Treachery of Images"
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- PARALLELS. Intersection. Exhibition of photographs by Boris Sysoev and Sergey Novikov.
Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.