Exhibition "Herring under a fur coat"
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с 25 Декабря
по 27 ФевраляГалерея В. Бронштейна
ул. Октябрьской Революции, д. 3
From December 25 to February 27, the Viktor Bronstein Gallery will host the exhibition "Herring under a Fur Coat", in which 13 artists from different cities of Russia participate. The project is dedicated to a fun festive feast that brings everyone together.
Artists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and Angarsk showed the New Year’s feast in their own way with its dishes, live communication and comical situations. Many works were created specifically for this project and are exhibited for the first time.
The exhibition brought together traditional homemade food “on one table”: herring under a fur coat, Russian salad, caviar sandwiches, sliced meat, various pickles and spirits - and fast food with soda. The works were performed in different techniques: painting, digital art, photography, ceramics. The exposition also includes three installations.
For example, Irkutsk street art artist Lena Sisileva presented the installation "Edism", which meets visitors at the entrance to the gallery and accompanies them on all floors. Vivid characters rush to visit, taking gifts, food and drinks with them. They create an atmosphere of a noisy family holiday.
- Unity through the letter "m" is an unknown force that mixes absolutely incompatible products into salads and unites absolutely dissimilar people at one table. They sing loudly, dance funny and say sentimental nonsense. At the same time, everyone dissolves in the holiday, - Lena tells about her work.
The sound design for the exhibition was created by the members of the creative association U Sin Prod. In the author’s track you can hear the sounds of a festive feast and melodies familiar from childhood.
Age limit 12+. Entrance tickets cost 50 – 150 rubles. Registration for visiting the exhibition - by phone: (3952) 75-60-30. The entrance to the exposition is in protective masks and in the presence of the necessary documents - https://www.vbgallery.ru/novosti/izmeneniya-v-rezhime-rabotyi/. The exhibition will be held in the halls of the gallery at the address: Irkutsk, st. October Revolution, 3.
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