Exhibition of Sasha Kochetkova "WAITING MODE" in Gallery A3
Automatic translate
It would be appropriate to add the English version of the stand-by to the name of the exhibition by Sasha Kochetkova. It is this hardware term that most accurately describes the issues explored by the author of the project. “Standby”, in this case, describes a special condition - temporary inactivity in anticipation of a “command” or a change in situation.
Places where Sasha conducts his observations are extremely mundane - public transport, clinic, night club, cemetery; her characters are random people you meet to never see again. In her works, the author’s detachment and the accuracy of live observation are paradoxically combined, turning everyday scenes into metaphors of detachment, a passing moment, and internal stagnation. These are different expectations - stops, meetings, queues, receptions, united by a common viscous time.
The figures are extracted from the spatial context, appearing in the white “nowhere” of the surrounding space; from time to time they take the form of almost abstract spots, while remaining recognizable and striking. The image is divided into layers that exist in a three-dimensional environment - a white base, a transparent film, changing depending on the lighting of the shadow. Spatial experiments are now quite actively practiced by young artists; for Sasha, this is primarily the possibility of greater variability in the process of working on her characters, partly reminiscent of the work she knows well in graphic editors. Actually, this is another important quality of this series - in easel, “gallery” things, the author actively uses her own experience in street-based and social graphics, digital media, which allows her to actualize the lesson that is considered today archaic - paint.
“For all, in the end, everything rests on expectation. You are waiting and waiting - hospitals, doctors, plumbers, psychiatric hospitals, prisons, death mother herself… While waiting, the citizens of the world eat food and watch TV. ”
Charles Bukowski. "Women"
Alexandra Kochetkova was born in 1986 in Moscow.
She graduated from the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise with a degree in graphic art (she graduated from the university in 2008).
She graduated from intensive courses in graphic design at VASHGD and Britanka.
She studied painting in the workshop of Andrei Volkov.
Until 2010, she worked as a designer in various studios in Moscow.
Since 2010, together with Irina Khamdokhova organized their own creative group called SOZDANO.
SOZDANO is engaged in both its own experiments and initiatives in the field of visual arts and media, as well as client projects in graphic and digital design.
Exhibited since 2011, (Independent self-organization projects, Gallery A3, ARTPLAY, Guslitsa Estate, NCCA) since 2013, active in the field of illegal street art, street art festivals.
Vernissage will take place on January 29 from 19.30 to 22.00
The exhibition runs from January 29 to February 8, 2015
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