Exhibition "SAXON:
Polymer-Black Square / SAXON:
Poly-dimensional Black Square"
Automatic translate
с 22 Февраля
по 11 МартаГалерея “А3”
Староконюшенный переулок, 39
The State Center for Contemporary Art as part of ROSIZO together with the AZ Gallery presents the educational and exhibition project SAXON: Polymer Black Square.

The history of avant-garde geometric culture leads its line from Suprematism, which arose in 1913 in the work of Kazimir Malevich. This radical movement passes through the whole world culture, preserving and focusing its traditions in the Berlin Bauhaus and Budapest MADI. The exhibition "SAXON: Polymer Black Square" is built on the work of one of the founders of the International Hungarian Museum Mobil MADI and forms a unique conceptual apparatus, combining the emotionality of geometric images with their intellectual structure.
As the author himself says: “My works are observations of nature, capable of transforming the forms of an object. The image of “another Universe” can be expressed in the variability of the permutation of two parts of the diagonals of a square. ” Studying the imagery of geometric shapes and the separation of flat surfaces, the artist turns to the experimental space, where he “plays” with the permutation of Malevich’s “Cross” in a polymorphic way. During this creative process, he created strict monochrome black and white contrasts, horizontal and diagonal designs, multidimensional transverse signs, which led to an absolutely complete system, including over a dozen variations.
Janos Saxon-Sas works in the field of conceptual and intellectual art, but at the same time his work is deeply rooted in visual practices. He turns to the visual philosophy of Malevich, to his world without an object, to the idea of pure perception. His installations are “assembled” from parts superimposed on each other against the background of the wall on which the object is fixed. As a result, the entire composition becomes a complete artistic expression.
Small-sized work is created using acrylic, large-format work - oil. The artist begins his movement from the inside out, from the central object to the outside.
The project “Polymer Black Square” (literally “A Square Existing in Several Dimensions”) is a series of works including crosses, squares, horizontal and diagonal monochrome constructions. In this "polymer universe", of which the "Polymer Black Square" is a part, lines and figures play a key role, correlating with scientific theories and author’s reflections on the coexistence of micro and macro elements in outer space.
The exhibition is accompanied by an extensive cultural program. Within the framework of the projects, a conference will be held with the participation of researchers from avant-garde culture and Moscow artists, whose work is correlated with the ideas of geometry. Also during the exhibition, a workshop by Janos Saxon-Sas, in which he, together with students of children’s studios with a special interest in mathematics, will demonstrate the possibilities of spatial changes of the "Polymer Black Square" and tell about the culture and combinatorics in matrix systems of computer programs, is being implemented.