Exhibition "Russian feast"
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с 22 Декабря
по 28 ЯнваряВсероссийский музей декоративно-прикладного и народного искусства
ул. Делегатская, 3
From December 22, 2017 to January 28, 2018, the Russian feast exhibition will be held at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art. The exposition presents a variety of utensils from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 1990s.
A variety of dishes - from peasant to noble, from items that are unique in complexity of execution to industrial designs and mass products, familiar to a wide range of visitors - appear surrounded by an equally interesting context, reflecting changes in the Food Culture in the country over three centuries.
The exhibition presents interesting editions of cookbooks. Researchers attribute the first detailed and systematic descriptions of recipes of Russian cuisine to the end of the 18th century. Publications of this period contain information about completely different areas of the household; recipes in them rarely occupy more than half the text. In the middle of the XIX century, a new genre was emerging in which the descriptions of dishes are side by side with practical tips on organizing and arranging the kitchen, and at the end of the century the first culinary bestseller - “A Gift for Young Housewives, or A Tool for Reducing Household Costs” by Elena Molokhovets, is still available. while retaining relevance. Well, the most famous culinary book of the Soviet period, without a doubt, was the "Book about tasty and healthy food." Its total circulation amounted to more than 8 million copies and it is rarely possible to meet a family in which this publication would not exist.
The exposition of the exhibition is built according to the chronological principle. Items from the museum’s stock collections will tell you about the festive peasant feast, the refined taste of representatives of the highest nobility and the nobility, and the traditional merchant hospitality. The visitor will be able to see unusual cutlery from the late XIX - early XX centuries, a large tavern samovar, as well as a magnificent tea set with views of Moscow, made by P. Ovchinnikov in 1886-1887.
The revolutionary events of 1917 responded with new topical subjects, which appeared also in the painting of dishes, which became a kind of artistic reflection of the cult of labor and abundance in the Land of Soviets.
The last section of the exhibition, dedicated to the 1950-1980s, contains typical examples of utensils, designer services, as well as art objects familiar to all visitors and unique sketches developed by artists in the 1960s.
The exposition is complemented by varnished miniature, small plastic, reflecting the “dining subjects”, visual materials, menus and rare editions from private collections.
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