Exhibition of Rostan Tavasiev "Planetary nebulae"
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с 27 Февраля
ул. Жуковского, 28
On February 27, Anna Nova Gallery will present Rostan Tavasiev’s solo exhibition “Planetary Nebulae”. The artist has developed designs for eight spectacular extraterrestrial sculptures - planetary nebulae, which are layers of a discarded stellar shell, twinkling in the light of a dying star. For the first time, a plan for the implementation of one of the objects is proposed: never before have dreams of art in space been so close to realization.
For thousands of years, the light of distant stars has stimulated both human imagination and his desire to find an explanation for the physical laws of the Universe and to expand his habitat. Now that the arms race has been replaced by the peaceful era of the International Space Station (ISS), and space tourism and even the colonization of other planets are moving from fiction to nonfiction, the idea of creating art in space seems increasingly feasible, but no less romantic. How can a person create works of art in space today?
The artist proposes to expand the boundaries of contemporary art to a universal scale, while medium-mass stars can become the material for creating objects of space art at a certain stage of their evolution. Each of the eight projects of space sculptures is based on a real binary star system, in which a lanetic nebula will form in the foreseeable future. Objects are rendered in drawings and paintings, photo prints, volumetric sketch models and three-dimensional animation. Hand-made fragile models installed on wooden podiums remind of astronomical circles in the Palaces of schoolchildren, and the dashing angles of swirling nebulae on bright canvases remind of Soviet science fiction illustrations. Without breaking with the seriousness of the Russian cosmists, but rejecting anthropocentrism that is no longer quite relevant today,the artist chooses the easily recognizable image of a hare as a model for space sculptures.
The exhibition will feature projects of planetary nebulae for both our Northern and Southern hemispheres of the sky. For one of the projects, a realistic implementation plan was proposed and even an estimate was calculated. To learn more about the methods of influencing planetary nebulae, the video from the cycle "Art in Space" will help: a conversation between Rostan Tavasiev and astrophysicist Sergei Popov.
The exhibition poses a number of questions for humanity: what will the planetary nebulae be like when we can influence the process of their formation? What opportunities do the artist have when working with them? What difficulties await him? Are museums, foundations and collectors ready to acquire an object that will take several thousand years to form? As part of the exhibition, Anna Nova Gallery will release a series of video interviews, where, together with experts (curator, gallery owner, collector, art critic) Rostan Tavasiev will try to find answers to these questions.
ROSTAN TAVASIEV is a Russian artist. He has more than forty personal and group exhibitions in Russia, Italy, France, Germany, England, and the USA. Works in the collections: State Tretyakov Gallery, National Center for Contemporary Art (Moscow), Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Multimedia Art Museum; Museum Art4. Finalist of the State Prize in the field of contemporary art "Innovation" (2006, 2013).
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