Exhibition "Russian Empire"
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с 3 Декабря
по 1 МартаВыставочный комплекс Исторического музея
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The new exhibition project continues the series of commemorative events timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the Historical Museum. The exhibition demonstrates the history of the development of the Russian Empire and reveals the main problems associated with the political and territorial structure of the state: the authoritarianism of power, the vastness of the territory, multinationality, significant socio-economic potential, the presence of a strong regular army as a guarantor of security and the church as a social and
spiritual support of the state. Most of the 400 museum items presented at the exhibition will be on display for the first time.
“The Russian Empire existed for almost 200 years and played a huge role in world history. The power of the state was strengthened by the deeds of its rulers, as well as by the will, labor, talent, heroic efforts and considerable burdens of their subjects, ”says director Alexei Levykin.
On October 22, 1721, after the triumphant end of the Northern War and the conclusion of the Nystadt Peace with Sweden in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of St. Petersburg, Tsar Peter Alekseevich was proclaimed “Great”, “All-Russian Emperor” and “Father of the Fatherland”. The proclamation of Peter I as emperor, and of Russia as an empire, marked the end of a long process of evolution of Russian statehood, which began in the 16th century. The reforms of Peter I gave an unprecedented acceleration to the process of the transformation of the Muscovy into a great power.
The first section of the exhibition is devoted to the formation of the Russian Empire in Peter’s time and the expansion of its territory during subsequent reigns. This section presents artifacts of particular historical significance: they are associated with the victory of Russia in the Northern War, which marked the beginning of the formation of the empire. These are ship models that played an important role in the history of the Russian fleet, and unique maps of the 18th - early 20th centuries, demonstrating the territorial growth of the state and its administrative structure, illustrating the process of mastering and studying new
lands. Among the exhibits, the set of uniforms of the Colonel of the Preobrazhensky Life Guards Regiment, which belonged to Peter I, stands out. Here are also monuments associated with the struggle of Russia for access to the Baltic: a captured Swedish cannon and a banner, a Russian guards banner, a gold medal in memory of the Nystadt Peace Treaty of 1721….
The exposition displays ceremonial portraits of Russian emperors, military and court uniforms, awards for services to the Fatherland and the emperor, as well as church utensils and items of temple decoration - mandatory attributes of a sacred event, emphasizing the inseparability of Orthodoxy and imperial power. Among the uniforms and weapons presented, unique monuments stand out: the caftan of the second lieutenant of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment, which was put on by the Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna (future Empress Catherine II) during the palace
coup; the naval frock coat of the general-admiral, which belonged to the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich, who was in charge of the War Ministry; the children’s uniform of the midshipman of the Guards naval crew and the children’s saber, which belonged to Tsarevich Alexei (son of Nicholas II).
Portraits and household items tell about the social and personal life of representatives of different classes of the Russian Empire. Many exhibits in this section of the exhibition are associated with the names of people who have left a bright mark on the history of our country: the commander A.V. Suvorov, the rebel E. Pugachev, the scientist I.I.Mechnikov, the beautiful aristocratic Z.N. Yusupova, the great-grandson of Catherine II Count A. A. Bobrinsky, praised by A. M. Gorky, revolutionary worker P. A. Zalomov, manufacturer and collector P. I. Shchukin, devotee Nestor Kamchatsky, blessed Simeon, proletarian leader V. I. Lenin and many others.
A special section of the exhibition is designed to tell about the people of the empire, whose works and talent created the state.
The symbolic exhibit of the exhibition is a replica of one of the main imperial regalia - the Great Imperial Crown, specially provided for the exhibition by the Gokhran of Russia.
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