Exhibition "Native, Close, Own ..."
Automatic translate
с 15 Марта
по 7 АпреляКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103

The exhibition “Native, Close, Own…” is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Kaluga Region and clearly demonstrates how rich the Kaluga Region is with its history, folk crafts, and skilled craftsmen.
The exhibition will bring together more than two hundred masters from districts and cities of the Kaluga region. The viewer will be presented about a thousand exhibits of various techniques and creative directions: painting, graphics, ceramics, as well as decorative and applied art: embroidery, weaving, patchwork, wood carving, beadwork, felting, leather work, root plastic and much more.
Decorative and applied art is an extensive layer of folk art and provides ample opportunities for the implementation of creative ideas based on ancient crafts.
The beauty of DPI objects fosters an aesthetic taste, arouses interest in creativity, makes you turn to your sources again and again, while remaining faithful to traditions.
The main objectives of the exhibition “Native, Close, Own…” are the preservation and development of folk art, traditional and contemporary decorative and applied arts, support for young talented authors, and preservation of the transfer of folk crafts traditions.
We invite Kaluga citizens and guests of the city to touch the charm of the Kaluga Region through folk art, to watch wonderful works of folk crafts, to receive positive emotions, because it is important for every person to know the history of their small homeland, their origins and be proud that they are an integral part of the Kaluga Land!
The event is organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Kaluga Region, the Kaluga Regional Center for Folk Art, and the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts.
The exhibition will include workshops and creative meetings.
- Felting - the secret of the Kyzyl masters
- Exhibition "Native, Close, Own …"
- Beginners in felting: roll the beads
- Exhibition-Festival "Ufa-Rook. Art. Crafts. Souvenirs"
- "Contemporary art of the Republic of Bashkortostan"
- Kaluga Regional Art Museum, Poster.