Exhibition "Rene Magritte. Treachery of Images"
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с 22 Декабря
по 4 ФевраляКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104
December 22 at 16.00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (ul. Lenin, 104, outbuilding) exhibition "Rene Magritte. The treachery of images. " She presents a collection of lithographs of one of the most famous surrealist artists of the twentieth century, Rene Magritte (1898 - 1967).
The artist Rene Magritte is a vivid representative of surrealism, a trend that developed in the art and literature of France in the 1920s and then spread throughout Western Europe. Translated from French, surrealism literally means "super-realism." In their works, surrealist artists tried to show the inconsistency and paradox of the modern world with the help of new images and new expressive means.
Rene Magritte was born in Belgium on November 21, 1898. From 1916 to 1918 he studied at the Royal Academy of Arts in Brussels. At the end, he worked as a wallpaper designer and advertising decorator. The artist’s early works were made in the style of cubism and futurism. Familiarity with the metaphysical painting of J. de Chirico and the poetry of the Dadaists was an important turning point for the work of Magritte. In 1925, he was a member of the Dadaist group, collaborating in the magazines Aesophage and Marie. In 1925 - 1926 the artist created his first surrealistic works “Oasis” and “The Lost Jockey”. In 1927 - 1930, living in France, he became close friends with the French surrealists Max Ernst, Salvador Dali, Andre Breton, Louis Bunuel, poet Paul Eluard. During this period, the system of conceptual painting of Rene Magritte was finally formed and remained almost unchanged until the end of the artist’s life.
Rene Magritte is a master of metaphors and paradoxes, they have no deep psychological meaning, but at the same time they make you think about the secrets of everyday life, about the meaning of life. The artist himself did not even call his art surrealism, but magical realism, and he was very distrustful of any attempts to interpret and even more so the search for symbols, claiming that the only thing to do with the paintings was to consider them.
At the exhibition Rene Magritte. Treachery of Images ”you can see all the famous lithographs of the artist - 50 works. Here are shown such masterpieces as “Overcoming the Void”, “Golconda”, and the most famous work of the master - “The Son of Man”. Exhibits provided by private collectors from France, Belgium and Scandinavia. The collection was formed by the St. Petersburg Art Center in the Perin Rows. This exhibition is especially significant in that it provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the artist, whose works are not in Russian museums. It has already been exhibited in many cities of Russia. Now the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts invites Kaluga residents and visitors to get acquainted with the work of Rene Magritte - a classic of the twentieth century surrealism.
The exhibition will run from December 22, 2017 to February 4, 2018 in the premises of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenin St., outbuilding).
The museum is open from 10.00 to 18.00, on Saturday from 11.00 to 19.00. Monday is the day off. Contact phone - 8 (4842) 56-28-30
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