Exhibition of works by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Khripchenko Ilya Ivanovich in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts.
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September 25 at 16-00 in the halls of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin, 104), the opening of the exhibition of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
Khripchenko Ilya Ivanovich.
Painter, born in 1962 in Uzbekistan. At the beginning of 1977-1981 studied at the Republican Art College in Dushanbe. In 1982-1987 he studied at the Moscow Higher School of Industrial Art (formerly Stroganovsky). Since 1987, he worked at an enterprise in the textile industry. then in the Soviet Culture Fund, later on in creative work. Since 1989 - member of the Youth Association of Moscow Artists Union; since 1993, member of the International Art Fund. Since 2005, a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, since 2005 a member of the Ministry of Agriculture, since 2005 a member of the Union of Designers of Russia.
From 1989 to the present, a participant in many and various urban. republican, all-Russian art exhibitions at the most prestigious and diverse venues of the capital (MOSH halls, the Central House of Artists, Moscow House of Nationalities, etc.). Since 2004, a participant in a series of traveling in permanent exhibitions organized by the creative union of Russian artists in museums and exhibition halls of Ivanov, Kaluga, Nazran, Saratov, Stavropol, Yaroslavl and other cities. The program introduced the inhabitants of Russia not only to the art of the masters of Moscow, but also helped to strengthen interregional ties, gave an idea of the development of beneficial realistic trends in modern painting and graphics.
The art of the master is associated with landscape art, still life. Work in Moscow, long trips to old Russian cities helped the master express the beauty and grandeur of the monuments of national architecture “Suzdal” (1991), “Temple of the Deposition” (1993), “Winter Kalininsk” (2005) in an emotional and picturesquely full-blooded realistic form Erzi, Ingushetia, (2012). No less impressive was the humanistic orientation of his work manifested in images of Central Russian nature full of poetics. Such are the paintings “Autumn” (1988), “Summer” (1990), “Thawed Snow” (1997), “Winter Landscape” (2007), Vetly (2014), Ascension Church (2014), etc. They revealed not only the artist’s love for the beauty of the motive, but a rare culture of color, a reflection of the world in a variety of coloristic harmonies. In his canvases, an excellent taste is manifested in the transfer of aesthetic features of a visible form, an understanding of the expressive power of a textured and diverse brushstroke, life-giving traditions of Russian plein air.
An important stage in the creative development of the master was organized with his active participation, trips of groups of Moscow painters in 2004-2005. to Central Asia. They contributed to the revival of ties between Moscow artists and the creative intelligentsia of the region, to a large extent, while working together with local artists on sketches, they introduced Uzbek, Tajik painters to the culture of modern creative work. Then shown at the capital’s exhibitions, the master’s canvases - “The Ancient City” (1989), “Minaret of Islam Khoja” (2004), “The Last Rays” (2004), etc. - were not only highly appreciated in the professional artistic environment, and aroused wide interest among art lovers, but also proved to be reproduced in reputable contemporary art magazines.
The master is one of the participants in a large cycle of murals in the revived Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Novosibirsk. Honorary diplomas, Silver (2007), Gold (2008) medals of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, titles: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2011), Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Ingushetia (2012) - were a sign of high social significance and recognition of his creative and social activities. The painter showed his art in the USA (1991), in Italy (1995), England (2008). His works are available in the art museum of the city of Bologna, in many domestic and foreign collections.
The museum is open from 10.00 to 18.00, on Thursday from 11.00 to 19.00.
Monday is the day off. The last Friday of the month is a sanitary day.
Address: Kaluga, st. Lenin, 104. Contact phone - 8 (4842) 22 61 58.