Exhibition of works by artists Gennady Shikhalev and Olga Kopenkina
Automatic translate
с 25 Декабря
по 17 ЯнваряОтдел Сибирского искусства Иркутского областного художественного музея
ул. Карла Маркса, 23
On December 25, an anniversary exhibition of artists Gennady Shikhalev and Olga Kopenkina opens in the Gallery of Siberian Art of the Art Museum. Two recognized masters of painting and ceramics will share a common exhibition space, which will reflect the interaction of different types of art. According to the organizers, the monumental epic lyrics of Gennady Shikhalev combined with expressive plastic by Olga Kopenkina will create an unusually intense dialogue of line and color.
Creativity G.V. Shikhalev in the 1980s - 1990s of the last century has become a phenomenon in the artistic life of Irkutsk. His art is a solemn epic song to the Siberian land. The painter loves the scale and extent, the enormity of the taiga massif, landscape panoramas extending to the horizon, to match which are developed, like a living carpet, taiga still lifes with simple, but generous gifts of Siberian land. Gennady Shikhalev - member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation since 1976, laureate of the Arkady Vychugzhanin Prize (2003), laureate of the Governor’s Prize (2010), awarded the Honorary Badge “For Achievement in the Culture of the Russian Federation” by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (1998), the Badge “For Creativity and mastery ”of the Union of artists of the Russian Federation (2010), the honorary title“ Honored Artist of the Russian Federation ”(2011).
G. Shikhalev. Self portrait with capercaillie. 2003. Oil on cardboard
G. Shikhalev. Kedrach. 2007. Oil on cardboard
Olga Kopyonkina, a well-known ceramic artist, associate professor of the design department of the Institute of Fine Arts and Social Sciences and Humanities at IrNITU, worked for many years in the art laboratory of the Khaitinsky Porcelain Factory (1984 - 1997). In 2015, she was awarded the silver medal of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation “Spirituality. Traditions. Mastery. " In his work, the artist prefers search and experiment in plastic and shaping. The author will show a series of works in porcelain and ceramics, where he will present several directions - this is ceramic sculpture and decorative composition.
O. Kopyonkina. Adam and Eve. Decorative vessel. 1999. Fireclay, glaze
O. Kopyonkina. Autumn portrait. 2013-14. Clay, Glaze, Silicate
O. Kopyonkina. Compound. Kettle. Decorative composition. 2010. Clay, engraving, engobe, glaze, salts
The exhibition will open on December 25 at 16. 00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art at the address: st. Karl Marx, 23. Entrance to the opening is free. The exhibition will run until January 17, 2016.
- Exhibition "Gifts to the Museum. Artists"
- Exhibition "Shelekhovsky Opening Day"
- Египетская палитра цветов: пигменты, используемые художниками в Древнем Египте