Exhibition "Moscow Province". Anna Charina
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с 10 по 24 Февраля
Alpert Gallery
Красноказарменная ул., д. 3
Alpert Gallery presents an exhibition of Anna Charina, a famous Moscow artist working in the genre of urban landscape. The artist talks about his Moscow: quiet, deserted, often crying - under the summer rain or wet snow. This Moscow is cleansed of the capital’s gloss, this is not a metropolis, not a third Rome. This is a real province. In the city created by the artist, it’s comfortable, you feel that you don’t need to rush and make a fuss because you are at home - on a lumpy bench in a deserted yard, and in a public garden among old poplars and birches, and in the apartment on the ground floor: where the batteries are hot, where it smells of currant jam and a fat cat dozes on the windowsill, and nearby in a shimmering dusk crimson clusters burn above the gingerbread house.
Thanks to deep detail and unique “watercolor” technique, Anna Charina creates unusual canvases, ghostly and, at the same time, extremely expressive, making the audience freeze in admiration for such a familiar and unfamiliar Moscow.
The exposition presents more than 20 works written by the author over the past five years. You can get acquainted with the artist at the opening, which will take place in the Alpert Gallery on February 11, 2017, at 16-00 (Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya Street, 3).
Anna Charina was born in Moscow in 1975, graduated from the Children’s Art School No. 1, the art department of Moscow State University of Printing Arts. Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, the Professional Union of Artists, International Art Fund.
The author has about 20 solo exhibitions in Moscow. The artist’s works are in private and gallery collections in Russia, USA, Canada, Germany, China and other countries.
Lives and works in Moscow, is engaged in easel painting and graphics.
Heather and cloudberry, hm 80x60, 2016
Evening at birth boulevard, hm 80x100, 2017
Yard on Volkhonka, hm 70x80, 2016
Outside the window it is snowing, hm 80x60, 2016
Winter at the Hospital, hm 40x80, 2017
- Personal exhibition of Larisa Sorokina
- Suite of mirrors. Edison Denisov
- Victoria Maretskaya. Petersburg summer
- Project of the creative group RGB "On the windowsill"