The exhibition of works by artists and teachers of the Institute of Heinan (PRC) and Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I.Surikova
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с 24 Мая
по 18 ИюняГалерея искусств Зураба Церетели
ул. Пречистенка, 19
In the halls of the MVK PAX Art Gallery of Zurab Tsereteli at the address: st. Prechistenka, building 19 Russian Academy of Arts, V.I. Surikov Moscow State Academic Art Institute and Zhengzhou Oriental Art Institute (PRC) present an exhibition of works by teachers from these universities - “Art without Borders”.
The exhibition was the result of a joint decision by the leadership of these higher educational institutions, aimed at further developing cultural ties in the field of fine arts and strengthening friendship between the peoples of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation.
The exhibition presents more than 100 paintings, graphic and sculptural works performed by Chinese and Russian artists in various genres of fine art using both traditional and modern techniques. The exposition includes the works of such famous masters of Russian fine art as E. N. Maksimov, V. M. Sidorov, A. A. Lyubavin, I. L. Lubennikov, N. I. Borovskoy, A. I. Rukavishnikov, M. V Pereslavets, A. I. Teslik, A. B. Suvorov and others, as well as works by Chinese artists Wang Wei, Shi Ping, Ma Guoqiang, Wang Yanf, Ding Jong and others.
This significant event was made possible thanks to considerable organizational efforts and significant financial support from the entrepreneur Van Fusyan, who, having returned to his homeland in 2001, decided to create a new art institute there. Being an admirer of the academic school of art education, Wang Fusyan visited the Moscow Art Theater named after V.I. Surikov, where he was given the opportunity to familiarize himself in detail with the features of the educational process. The result of this visit was the signing of a joint cooperation agreement. The leadership of the institute praised the efforts of Van Fusyan to create the institute. Russian colleagues expressed their readiness to provide unselfish support to the Chinese partners in this noble endeavor. Already in July 2001, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts A. A. Bichukov, ex-rector of the Moscow State Agricultural Academy named after V.I. Surikova, arrived in China to participate in the opening ceremony of the institute.
Over the course of all these 16 years, Russian and Chinese artists carefully raised this “newborn child”, which eventually turned into an “elegant young man”. All this time, the institute developed rapidly and became the largest private institution of higher education in central China. Education at the institute is carried out in the following specialties: painting; sculpture; arts and crafts; environment design; visual design; costume design and accessories; digital design; Industrial Design. Over the years, the institute has trained more than ten thousand graduates, some of whom have become students of Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov, as well as other art universities in Russia.
Throughout all this time, the Surikov Institute annually sent artists to China to teach, which helped to establish close creative ties between leaders, teachers and students, and also held exhibitions there many times, each of which aroused wide spectator interest and was highly appreciated by professionals. created the prerequisites for understanding the traditions of Russian fine art. In the fall of 2011, the delegation of Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikova, led by rector A.A. Lyubavin, arrived in China to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this institute, which was awarded a silver medal on behalf of the Russian Academy of Arts. During the anniversary celebrations, an exhibition of the works of teachers and students of both institutes was held. The Surikov Institute donated 50 works by Russian artists to Chinese colleagues, which were greatly appreciated.
The educational buildings of the institute, built in the European style, are equipped with high-tech office and educational equipment. Much attention is paid to the educational process and its results. Additionally, 3 parks have been built on the territory of the institute to work in the open air. One of the main activities of the institute is the development of innovative methods, the creation of its own system of art education using Russian and Western teaching experience to train artists in various fields of fine art.
According to the president of this institute, Van Fusyan, its further development is not possible without the support of the Russian Academy of Arts and the leading masters of fine art of the Moscow Art Theater. IN AND. Surikov, to whom he repeatedly expressed his sincere appreciation.
Sun Yuanyuan. Tender evening. Chinese traditional painting, 170cm × 110cm
Wang Yin. Star flowers. Chinese traditional painting, 180cm × 133cm
Lee ji. Time. Oil painting, 150cm × 120cm
Liu Sukai. Field. Winter. Oil painting, 90cm × 130cm
Ji Baochao. Talk about the past. Multimaterial, 180cm × 180cm
Chen Yazhou, Kisses. Sculpture, 90cmX80cmX30cm
A. Lyubavin. July rain, 2008, hm 140x150
Lubennikov I.L. Lakes, 2016, 160X190 oil on canvas
Maksimov E.N. Painting of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior