Exhibition of works by Victor Minkin "QUIET LIGHT"
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с 27 по 16 Июня
Российская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
June 27, 2017 at 16.00 Russian Academy of Arts, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region, Ryazan State Museum of Art named after I.P. Pozhalostina in the halls at: st. Prechistenka, 21, presents an exhibition of works by the national artist of Russia, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Viktor Minkin, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the artist - “LIGHT OF THE QUIET”.
The exposition presents more than 100 paintings by the artist - landscapes, portraits, still lifes.
In his work V.A. Minkin is faithful to the Russian realistic tradition, the natural method. He was born in the village of Malinovka, Ryazan region in 1947. 1961-1966 - Studying at the Ryazan Art College. A graduate of the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repina (1967 – 1973), where his teachers were the greatest painters V. M. Oreshnikov, A. A. Mylnikov and B. S. Ugarov.
V. Minkin. Veterans Fedor and Olga
The basis of the individual style of V.A. Minkin became a respectful attitude to tradition, professional culture, individual vision of the world and mastery of artistic selection, which give his works the features of a unique poetic originality. The artist’s works are full of internal emotional tension, their nervous, delicate pictorial fabric, the finest relations of shades of color allow you to get in touch with the essence of the depicted motive.
In his work V.A. Minkin has consistently continued the national landscape tradition. The master depicts flat panoramas with a high sky and ground spreading below, a river, a strip of forest or a rural street. For him, the Russian village is his homeland, an inexhaustible source of inspiration. The motives of his work, as a rule, are associated with the surroundings of his native Ungor, Oka. Most of the paintings of the author are devoted to the village theme, which testifies to his involvement in the work and the fate of the inhabitants of these places.
V. Minkin. In the morning the whitened yard
The discreet nature of the Central Russian strip, depth and space are the main attributes of the landscapes of V. Minkin. In his works, harmony and peace reign, testifying to the unity of nature and man. Landscape works are the artist’s sincere admiration for the greatness and infinity of the world in the continuous alternation of the seasons, the artist subtly captures the changing states of nature, empathizes with her. With all the discreetness and modesty of their native places, the landscapes of Minkin conquer with their spontaneity and freshness of perception, sincerity of feelings and high pictorial culture.
In love with the nature of his native land, he creates unforgettable images; in his works there is always an understatement. Silver-gray colors in combination with warm-cold shades give rise to the illusion of a flickering painting, subjects find their breath, fill with air. The self-sufficiency of nature in the images of landscapes has a programmatic nature, according to which the author never sacrifices the true expressiveness of the motive to make it more attractive to the viewer.
Often the main object of his works is air, the dense and transparent thickness of which the author conveys through the subtle gradations of plans. V.A. Minkin can rightfully be considered a master of the states of nature from autumn heat to river coolness and ice cold. Silence, deserts emphasize the autonomy of the existence of temples and belfries, surrounding them like a cloud.
The artist created a portrait gallery of his fellow villagers. These are ordinary villagers who, with their attachment to land, to hard peasant labor, evoke a sense of deep respect. His portraits are marked by a desire to penetrate the life of ordinary people, to show the diversity of human destinies and characters. In these works, the artist claims the best qualities in a person: his wisdom, dignity, faith in reason and kindness. He portrays relatives and friends to him without embellishment, because the beauty of these simple men and women is in their warmth of heart; the exhibition also features a series of his self-portraits.
Still lifes of V. Minkin is an image of habitual, everyday objects, which on his canvases gain autonomy and self-sufficiency. The selection of objects is noteworthy - they are all man-made. The artist seeks to show the beauty of objects that store the warmth of human hands. Working on a still life, the artist adheres to a minimalist scheme - a small number of objects on a neutral background, resembling an unsteady haze.
V. Minkin. Still life with a lamp
The exposition presents many sketches performed with great skill and poetic feeling. Etudes are more diverse than large landscapes in composition and more directly in mood. Written easily, freely, lyrically, they characterize the artist’s reverent attitude to nature.
Minkin’s works are in the collections of the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, Ryazan and Tula Art Museums, and the State Museum-Reserve S.A. Yesenin and museum collections in Ryazan, Voronezh, Lipetsk and other cities.
The exhibition of works by V. Minkin is of undoubted interest to those who cherish sincerity, poetry and truth in art.
The exhibition runs until July 16
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