Exhibition of works by Victor Tsigal. To the 100th anniversary of the artist
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с 29 Марта
по 10 АпреляРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
March 29, 2016 at 16.00 in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts at the address: st. Prechistenka, 21 opens an exhibition of works by the national artist of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Viktor Efimovich Tsigal (1916-2005).
The versatility of V. Tsigal’s creative interests is striking. He was a high-class professional, with equal success was engaged in easel and book graphics, painting, arts and crafts.
V.E. Tsigal was born in Odessa in 1916. In 1930, the family moved to Moscow. After graduating from the Moscow Regional Art College in memory of 1905, in 1938 V. Tsigal entered the Moscow Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov. In 1943 he was enrolled in the 10th Guards Ural Volunteer Tank Corps, went through the war as a soldier, was an artist in the political department, participated in the Battle of Kursk, and reached Poland and Berlin. His front-line landscape and portrait sketches have genuine historical authenticity. In 1946 he completed his studies at the institute. His diploma is illustrations for Jack London’s White Fang book.
V. Tsigal was an outstanding draftsman. Artistry, which is manifested in the special expressiveness of the line and the stroke, the ability in a thin, elegantly executed drawing to convey the poetic essence of the phenomenon, he retained throughout all the long years of his creative life.
Since 1947, Victor Tsigal traveled a lot around the country and abroad.
Among the most significant graphic cycles created by the artist, it is worth noting the works devoted to the nature and people of the Moscow region, Pushkin places, the Kola Peninsula, Dagestan, the fishermen of Azerbaijan, circus performers. The artist’s attention is attracted by the originality and beauty of national cultures, the uniqueness of national life, the organic connection of man and nature. Koktebel became for the artist not only a source of constant inspiration, a favorite place, but also literally a home. For many years he lived and worked here.
V. Tsigal wrote: “I want people in my works whom I managed to get to know well. I lived with them, sang their songs, went to work with them. ”
As a rule, in the artist’s series, next to large compositional sheets, there are many elegant, light drawings, watercolor landscapes. The charms of the images of animals that are present in many of his works are full of charm. V. Tsigal owns a large number of illustrations, mainly books for children published by the publishing house “Children’s Literature”. You can recall the author’s illustrations for books: “Tales of Captain Burunda” by J. Volchek, “Miller, Boy and Donkey” by S. Marshak, “Whatever the page, then the elephant, then the lioness” by V. Mayakovsky, “Disheveled Sparrow” by K. Paustovsky and others, imbued with kindness, faith in the moral foundations of life.
A large and independent field of creativity of Victor Tsigal is decorative and applied art and original metal sculpture. Especially bright was the talent of Tsigal the animalist in the creation of decorative objects from bent wire, often combined with voluminous ceramics. They are concise, simple, and the measure of conventionality found allows us to evaluate the author’s imagination, his bold fiction, and taste.
In complex compositions of welded metal, the principles of linear graphics and volumetric plastic are originally combined. Masterfully executed, decorative art objects do not just adorn everyday life, but form the image of a house that bears the imprint of the artist and his loved ones.
The exhibition presents Victor Tsigal as a magnificent painter. His genre compositions, portraits, landscapes, still lifes are distinguished by poetry, compositional skill, and subtle coloristic vision.
Victor Tsigal was an unusually charming and outstanding person, a true intellectual. In 1996, his book Meetings on the Road was published, in which he recalls and ponders a lot about the ups and downs of his destiny, about meetings with a whole constellation of interesting people. In this book he writes: “My beloved Art and I have lived a great life. It has always been in the first place for me. My whole life and the life of my family was built around and for the sake of art. It has always been God to me. ”
The exhibition at the Russian Academy of Arts is a tribute to the wonderful artist Viktor Efimovich Tsigal. His bright, life-affirming work is permeated with love for life, nature, people, animals - for everything that exists on earth.
The exhibition runs on April 10, 2016.
- "Own Line" Exhibition of works by Sergey Tsigal
- Exhibition of works by Vladimir Tsigal. To the 100th Birthday