Exhibition of works by Vera Mylnikova. "Mysticism of a woman"
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с 1 по 20 Марта
Галерея искусств Зураба Церетели
ул. Пречистенка, 19
March 1 at 16.00 Russian Academy of Arts in the halls of the Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery at the address: st. Prechistenka, house 19 presents an exhibition of the works of the famous painter, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Vera Mylnikova - “The Mysticism of a Woman”.
The exhibition presents the works of the author of recent years, in the spotlight is a woman in her most sacred roles, from the Virgin Mary to the harlot. The canvases of the author immerse the viewer in the bizarre world of women’s dreams and fantasies. A world inhabited by mysterious masked heroes and wild animals, villains and saints. These characters appear on the background of draped stage scenery, then in the atmosphere of morning Paris, then in a fabulous surreal space.
Perfectly mastering academic painting, the master balances on the verge of classics and formal abstraction, reality and symbolism. Paying special attention to color harmonies and rhythms, Vera Mylnikova creates a unique artistic space filled with expression, passion and drama.
As the president of the Russian Academy of Arts, Z. K. Tsereteli, noted in the works of Vera Mylnikova, “decorativeness is organically combined with the sharpness of the sensation of color and plasticity.
Here is how the writer Eduard Limonov characterizes the work of Vera Mylnikova: “I would give her work the name“ Woman and Her Struggle ”. The main leitmotif: nudity, the female body is a weapon of struggle with the outside world. The background may be different. A woman carries herself victoriously through flowers and fruits, through twilight, surrounded by servile carnival masks of men subordinate to her, or figures with dangerous beaks clicking from lust… A beautiful, slightly old-fashioned painting. "
Vera Mylnikova was born in Leningrad. In 1975 she graduated with honors from the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repin, a workshop of monumental painting under the guidance of her father, people’s artist of the USSR, academician A. A. Mylnikov. Her children’s works were distinguished by a special perception of the world and even then allowed to speak about the individual creative manner of the future artist. She began her career with large-scale paintings, mosaics and other monumental works. Among them, one can especially highlight the famous tapestries for the reception hall of the House of Soviets in Moscow, which miraculously survived after the execution of the Parliament in 1993.
Vera Mylnikova is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a participant in more than 500 national and foreign exhibitions, as well as the famous Autumn Salon in Paris. Currently, while continuing her father’s work, she runs the creative workshop of monumental painting at the Repinsky Institute and has already managed to raise many talented students.
The works of V. Mylnikova decorate private collections in Russia, France, China, Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the USA. Several canvases are in the Russian Museum, as well as in other art museums in our country and abroad.
The exhibition runs on March 20.
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