Exhibition of works by V.A. Serov from the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery
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с 8 Июля
по 18 СентябряКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
The exposition will feature paintings, graphic and decorative works of the artist from the funds of the State Tretyakov Gallery, as well as drawings by the master from the collection of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts.

Valentin Serov is an outstanding Russian artist of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, who occupied a special place in Russian culture and managed to combine different lines of art and historical periods with his work. The master, who had no equal in the artistic disclosure of the originality of Russian life at the turn of the century, left a unique pictorial and graphic heritage, which manifested a developed sense of beauty, deep penetration into the hidden essence and purpose of art.
Valentin Serov, relying on artistic traditions, understanding the spiritual life of a person, became the creator of masterpieces of a psychological portrait, wonderful landscapes and historical compositions, a series of excellent illustrations, and also successfully worked in arts and crafts, monumental and theatrical painting.
V. Serov, in fairness, is considered as the best student and successor of I. Repin. It was in his workshop that young Serov received his first art lessons, and later the master introduced him to the circle of outstanding Russian artists. Throughout his life, I. Repin remained a true friend and mentor.
- Artists of the Russian World creative association presented their works at the Kolomenskoye Museum
- The Tver Regional Art Gallery presented the exhibition "Valentin Serov and Domotkanovo"
- Creativity of Russian impressionists at an exhibition in Yaroslavl
- An exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the painter V. A. Serov is open at the Russian Museum
- "The magic of ancient drawing" - an exhibition of works from the collection of the Tambov gallery after restoration
- The peculiarity of modern painting of Uzbekistan in the Moscow Museum of the East