Exhibition of works by Tatyana Busyreva. Sculpture. Wood. Ceramics
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с 12 по 22 Января
Российская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
From January 12 to January 22, 2017, in the Exhibition Halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka 21), an exhibition of works by the famous sculptor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts Tatyana Busyreva will be exhibited. Grand opening - January 17, 2017 at 16.00.
About 50 works of different years will present the work of this bright, original master, continuing the line of development and deepening of spirituality in sculpture plastic, traditions of Russian humanistic art. The author is characterized by an extraordinary breadth of artistic interests, thematic range, variety and depth of professional pursuits. Extreme sincerity, purity, lyricism are different for the images she created, no matter what material T. Busyreva worked in - wood, metal, ceramics, stone. The tree, to which she, one of the few modern sculptors, remains faithful throughout her creative life, is most original in the artist’s interpretation.
Tatyana Busyreva (born in Perm in 1943) is a graduate of Moscow State Pedagogical Academy named after S. G Stroganova, a student and successor to the sculptural tradition of Vasily Vatagin, Sergei Konenkov, who raised her interest in wood as a material. Over many years of working in it, she literally related to this material, gained the ability to subtly feel its living organics. Her work in wood, usually slightly tinted with light watercolor tones, creates a feeling of lightness, optimism, faith in a person. This love of life distinguishes all the works created by the sculptor. They are characterized by a complex emotional-figurative structure, a pronounced national system. In the style of T. Busyreva’s works, as in a magic crucible, the features of Perm wooden sculpture are fused, features associated with the influence of the works of V. Vatagin and S. Konenkov, West European plastic of the twentieth century and a powerful author’s beginning.
One of the main themes of her work is Pushkinian. With works on the poet and his era, she entered art in the early 1970s. Generously and witty playing up the techniques of field plastics, folklore, the artist creates images of the poet and his entourage, a panorama of life in metropolitan and provincial Russia. The viewer will get acquainted with a number of works of this software author’s series.
T. Busyreva. A.S. Pushkin. 1987. Tree
T. Busyreva’s appeal to religious subjects is a natural step in its development as a sculptor and a man, a serious attempt to realize the roots of our spiritual heritage, to contribute to their revival. Works on this subject will make up a significant part of the exposition. Some are made to order temples. But, for the most part - angels, elders, saints - the fruit of the author’s imagination, the expression of her faith and love. The images created by T. Busyreva of St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ not only heal souls, but also teach them to “conquer the strife of this world.”
T. Busyreva. Moses. 1989. Ceramics.
T. Busyreva. St. Daniel Prince of Moscow. Ceramics
The exposition will also include works made in the technique of ceramics from the "merchant" series and the series "Citizens". Tatiana Busyreva especially succeeds in the small sculptural form. She brilliantly conveys the everyday situation and makes of it a kind of theatrical mise-en-scene. T. Busyreva created her own city, a city inhabited by charming characters - cheerful, suffering, affectionate, thoughtful. This is a kind of performance in which a sad clown is replaced by a joyful clown, a clown of faith, hope and love.
T. Busyreva. Portrait of S.I. Mamontova. Wood
T. Busyreva. Tea Party. 1989. Ceramics
T. Busyreva. Sweet Dreams. .Majolica
T. Busyreva is a participant in numerous Russian and foreign exhibitions. Awarded with prestigious professional awards. The sculptor’s works are presented in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Literary Museum of A.S. Pushkin, the State Museum of L.N. Tolstoy, the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, the Sayan Picture Gallery and many other museums in Russia and abroad.
- Exhibition of paintings by Sergey Busyrev "Pattern Recognition"
- Italian style in the interior
- Exhibition "Stone Flower" at the State Center for Contemporary Art
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