Exhibition of works by Ivan Polienko
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с 1 по 20 Сентября
Российская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
September 8, 2015 at 16.00 in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts at the address: st. Prechistenka, 21, will host a ceremonial presentation of a retrospective exhibition of the works of the famous Moscow painter, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Ivan Alekseevich Polienko.
The exposition includes more than eighty paintings and graphic works from different years devoted to the main theme of the artist’s work - Moscow and its environs.
Over time, the interpretation of the theme of Moscow in the work of the artist receives a deeper, philosophical understanding, during which a parallel universe is created - a metaphysical image of Moscow, deserted and immersed in the harmony of shadows and light. Monumental works of I.A. Polienko amaze with its scale and openness of space for drama.
Earlier works devoted to the cities of the Moscow Region - Tarusa, Suzdal, Kolomna, Sergiev Posad, Vyshny Volochyok, graphic and full-scale drawings of the artist, are marked by special warmth, emotional expressiveness and realistic authenticity.
I.A. Polienko was born in 1950 to the village of Dedenevo, Moscow Region. In 1974 he graduated from the Moscow Art College “In Memory of 1905”. In 1982 he graduated from the Moscow State Art Institute named after IN AND. Surikov, a workshop of theatrical and decorative painting of M. M. Kurilko-Ryumin.
Since 1985, a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, since 1990 - a member of the Board of the Partnership of Moscow Painters. Since 1999 - professor at the State Specialized Academy of Arts (GAI), since 2004 - artistic director of the painting workshop of the faculty of fine art.
Ivan Polienko’s painting is distinguished by a combination of strict compositional construction and sharp black and white contrasts with a deep study of the plastic painting component. In his work, the artist often uses various impressionistic techniques to reflect the character and emotional coloring of the work, embodying the tradition of “landscape of mood”.
The famous art historian G.V. Pletneva describes the Moscow Polienko cycle in this way: “the secret is seen in the fact that shadows, beings, moods, sensations of our city are forever hidden behind the images of today’s city, forever and ever. Here he is, this city, in his loneliness - so self-sufficient that he despises tinsel and vanity. Maybe someone doesn’t see this, but the value of the artist Polienko is that through this echoing silence he penetrates with his work into the eternal meaning of this city. ”
The master’s works are presented in the collections of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Union of Artists, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the Institute of Russian Realistic Art (Moscow), the Ryazan Regional Art Museum, the Tomsk Regional Art Museum, the Plessi State Historical and Architectural Art Museum, Kemerovo Regional Art Museum, Tula Museum of Fine Arts, Volga Art Gallery "Collection of Actual Realism" (Tolyat ty), as well as in private collections in Russia and abroad.
In 2002, I.A. Polienko became a laureate of the Moscow Prize in the field of literature and art for a series of works devoted to Moscow. The exposition covers all the facets of one of the most important artistic topics of his works, and also introduces the less well-known side of his work - graphic sketches - an integral part of the work of any artist.
The exhibition is open for visitors from September 1 to September 20, 2015
Vernissage - September 8, 2015 at 16.00
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