Exhibition of works by Elena Kachelaeva. Scenography. Painting. Graphic arts. Poster
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с 10 по 29 Октября
Российская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
October 10, 2017 at 16.00 in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts at the address: st. Prechistenka, 21 opens an exhibition of works by the honored artist of Russia, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Elena Kachelaeva.
The exhibition presents about 50 works of the artist - scenography, painting, graphics, poster.
Elena Kachelaeva was born in Moscow in 1948 in Moscow. She graduated from the Moscow secondary art school, and in 1973 - Moscow Art Institute. V.I. Surikova, where her teachers were famous masters of theatrical and decorative art V.F. Ryndin, M.M. Kurilko, M.N. Pozharskaya. Since 1988 - a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, in the same year her personal exhibition was held at the Central House of Artists, and in 2000 - a personal exhibition in Marseille (France). E. Kachelaeva is a regular participant in many Russian and international art exhibitions, as well as the theater results of the season.
E. Kachelaeva is one of the most interesting theater artists in Moscow. The stage world of E. Kachelaeva can be called the world of real science fiction. She generously gives the viewer her world, bright and rich, happy and mysterious. The works of this master are unusually expressive and functional. The unique originality of her creative personality and the high level of artistic skill in recent years have been repeatedly noted by theatrical criticism and the press.
Her productions are associated with her name at the Central Children’s Theater, at the V. Mayakovsky and N.V. Gogol theaters, where since 1987 she has been the main artist of this theater, as well as productions in other theaters in Russia. Working in the theater. N.V. Gogol, E. Kachelaeva managed to declare her scenography as a full-fledged component of each performance, staged based on the works of Russian and foreign classics, among whose authors the names are A. N. Ostrovsky, N. V. Gogol, A. P Chekhov, A. Bely, as well as W. Shakespeare, F. Schiller, K. Goldoni, T. Williams, J. O’Neill, S. Maugham, B. Brecht and others. Many theater critics note the inexhaustibility of her imagination and ability penetrate deeply into the essence of complex plays. For her, first of all, the person is important, his spiritual world. The artist was always interested in the personality, the dramaturgy of her fate. As a bright creative individuality E. Kachelaeva took a worthy place in the history of domestic theater of the last third of the twentieth century.
The ability to create a surprisingly accurate symbol of the era, the time of action, often causes a standing ovation in the hall before the start of the performance, as viewers express their gratitude to the artist E. Kachelaeva for the extraordinary scenery that determine the tonality and style of the performance.
In some cases, the artist, boldly combining the seemingly incompatible, masterly creates a completely original pictorial and architectural image of the scene. Art nouveau style of the end of the last century can prevail on the stage with emphasized undisguised contrasts, richly vibrant costumes that convey the style and spirit of the turn of the century even more. In another performance, the painted scenery of Elena Kachelaeva, similar to a huge motley patchwork quilt, immerses the viewer in the atmosphere of Russian lubok. Through the fine weaving of the Vologda laces, the artist conveys the Russian winter’s blizzard in the play “Comedy about Frol Skobeev,” and in the fire of autumn leaves he sees the fire of love in the play “Costume for a Summer Hotel”.
The exposition presents portraits of famous cultural figures, artists, among which are portraits of E. Dvorzhetsky, E. Knyazev, E. Maximov, director S. Yanshin, performed in a distinctive manner, portraits of the artist Anna Birshtein, sculptor V. Vatagin, with special tenderness and warmth portraits of her daughter were created - "Nadia is small", "Nadia is big", etc. In addition, the exhibition included sketches of the scenery for the performances "Forest", "Mad Money" based on plays by A. Ostrovsky, "Laughter of the spiny lobster" based on the play by J. Marrel, “Pygmalion” based on the play by B. Shaw, “Vassa Zheleznov ”Based on the play by M. Gorky et al., A series of posters for the performances“ Petersburg ”based on the play by A. Bely,“ Ivanov ”based on the play by A. Chekhov,“ Bride ”based on the play by A. Ostrovsky and others, as well as costume designs for various performances.
For over 40 years, Elena Kachelaeva has been serving the theater. During this time, she staged over 100 performances in theaters of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Tomsk, Dushanbe, Tbilisi, Dnepropetrovsk, Novosibirsk and other cities.
Paintings and graphic works by E. Kachelaeva adorn the expositions of many art museums and galleries both in our country and abroad. She is a laureate of three television theater festivals, laureate of the Moscow Mayor’s Prize and I. Smoktunovsky Prize.
The exhibition runs on October 29th.