An exhibition of works by Efrem Ivanovich Zverkov (1921-2012) and laureates of the landscape painting competition named after E.I. Zverkova. On the 95th anniversary of the artist
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с 2 по 21 Февраля
Российская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
Ephraim Zverkov is the name of an outstanding landscape painter, making up the glory of Russian fine art. His work opened up new paths in the development of national art of the second half of the twentieth century. The legacy of the master, who created his own direction of the national landscape and became an iconic figure in the Russian fine arts, passed through decades, preserved the value and true artistic significance among the many currents and trends of our time.
For creative achievements, he was awarded many awards and titles: People’s Artist of the USSR, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, State Prize Laureate, Honorary Citizen of the Tver Region, member of 8 International Public Academies. He was awarded many state, national, professional, public awards, he was awarded the International Prize "For Contribution to World Art" (PRC) and other prizes.
Zverkov belonged to the generation of the “sixties”, among which there were many participants in the Great Patriotic War. They brought to life the experience of the war years. The war exacerbated the feeling of life, an understanding of genuine values, tempered character. These masters, having received professional education at the turn of the 1940-1950s, actively and powerfully entered literature, cinema, and visual arts during the Khrushchev "thaw".
E. I. Zverkov graduated from the Moscow State Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov. His attitude was formed under the influence of bright personalities: B.V. Ioganson, I.E. Grabar, S.V. Gerasimov, N.P. Krymov, and especially A.A. Plastov, with whom Zverkova had long-standing friendship. A meeting with great masters helped the young artist to realize himself as a continuer of the national artistic tradition.
At the exhibition, E.I. Zverkov appears as a master of natural studies. In the 1950s - 1960s and later, the artist worked a lot on his native Tver land, in Pereslavl-Zalessky, Moscow Region and in the North. Painting from nature, plein air were a true passion of the artist. He went to etudes at any time of the year. It was work in the open air that contributed to the true comprehension of national nature. In addition, sketch painting was a kind of laboratory for the artist. That new that later appeared in his large landscapes, paintings, was often developed in studies. Imbued with the atmosphere of the “sixties”, he undertook to solve new creative problems. The master’s legacy includes works that are close in essence to the “severe style” that was emerging in these years. However, most often the artist turned to the creation of impressionistic landscapes. Zverkov, masterfully mastering the open air, worked quickly, energetically, and temperament. He painted in oil on cardboard, paper, canvas with a wide flat brush. Without preliminary drawing, boldly, voluminously and generalized, he sculpted the form with an open brushstroke, sonorous color. Color has always been important in creating the figurative structure of his works. The early works of the painter are characterized by the monumentality of the solution, the activity of the color scheme. However, in the plastic modeling of village houses, trees there is no abstract convention. All images are realistic and characteristic. The master’s sketching works are distinguished by the thoughtfulness of compositional and rhythmic constructions, the convincing coloristic decisions, tone relationships, contrasts of light and dark. Demanding for himself, for his work has always been inherent in the artist.
However, Zverkov wrote far from every motive of nature, but only one that resonated in his soul. A subtle and soulful painter, he could spend days looking for “his landscape”. The artist of unique lyrical talent loved to write pristine nature untouched by man. Over time, a sense of perception of the infinite beauty of the universe developed, professional tasks and techniques seemed to fade into the background, giving way to a deep author’s intention. The high form and breadth of figurative content that is characteristic of Zverkov’s works was acquired. Contemporaries noted a special philosophy, musicality, and the poetry of his landscape painting. In the best works of the master, a mysterious transformation of reality into existential, eternal took place.
An important role in the artistic life of the country in the second half of the twentieth century was played by more than half a century of large-scale social activity of E. I. Zverkova. In 2006, the master came up with the idea of holding a Landscape Painting Competition. This initiative was supported by N. G. Sirotina, a remarkable artist and director of the Tver Art College named after A. G. Venetsianov. So began the story of the annual competition, which helped to identify and support many talented young artists. In 2015, the tenth Landscape Painting Competition named after E.I. Zverkov was successfully held at the Tver Art College named after A.G. Venetsianov. The works of the laureates of the competition are also presented in the exhibition.
An outstanding master always paid special attention to the creativity of the young, did a lot to develop the high moral potential of new generations, to continue the great traditions of the fine art of our country.
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