Exhibition of works by B. M. Kustodiev
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с 17 Июля
по 4 ОктябряКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104
On July 17, in the halls of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenina St., 2nd floor), an exhibition of works by B. M. Kustodiev from the funds of the State Tretyakov Gallery and the collection of the KMII will open. It will acquaint viewers with the artistic heritage of the famous Russian artist, whose original work has become a glorious chapter in the development of national art.

Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (1878-1927) - academician of painting, member of the "Union of Russian Artists", "World of Art", the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia, participant in Russian and international exhibitions. B. Kustodiev was a recognized portrait painter, master of genre genre, graphic artist, illustrator and book designer, theater artist, caricaturist, decorator, sculptor.
The exposition space of the exhibition will feature works of the master from different time periods. The artist’s sketch "In the Bois de Boulogne" (1904 (?), CMII), written during a trip to Paris, belongs to the early stage of his work.
B. Kustodiev entered the artistic life of St. Petersburg as a portrait master, having received from the first days a large flow of orders and the glory of a fashionable portrait painter. B. During his life, the artist created a number of memorable images of his contemporaries. Portraits of relatives occupy a special place in the artistic heritage of B. Kustodiev. One of these works can be seen at the exhibition. This is "Portrait of Yulia Estafievna Kustodieva" (1920, Tretyakov Gallery), the artist’s wife.
The search for his theme in art led B. Kustodiev to depict and glorify the Russian province. Shown from the festive side, it brightly revealed itself to the viewer in wide Maslenitsa festivities, fairs, feasts and tea parties. Included in the exhibition: "Walking Tour" (1922, Tretyakov Gallery), "Autumn in the Province" (1926, State Tretyakov Gallery) and "Walking Tour" (1926, KMII) are typical examples of B. Kustodiev’s genre painting of the late period and allow one to visually assess the breadth of the master…
Working within the framework of the genre B. Kustodiev, he managed to create not only significant works, but also a whole series of idealized images of Russian people: merchants, cabbies, waiters, shopkeepers, ordinary townspeople and peasants. A vivid embodiment of such types are the watercolors presented: "The Merchant" (1920, Tretyakov Gallery) and "Sailor and Sweetheart" (1921, Tretyakov Gallery).
The exhibition also displays the master’s still lifes: "Bouquet of Flowers" (1924, KMII), "Shell" (1918, State Tretyakov Gallery).
B. Kustodiev’s fascination with the theater took hold from his youth and lasted all his life. As a theater artist, he created a large number of sketches for scenery, costumes and props. Among the realized productions are works for the plays of E. Zamyatin "The Bloch" and M. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Death of Pazukhin", A. Ostrovsky "There was not a penny, but suddenly altyn", "Wolves and Sheep", "Warm Heart", A. Serov’s opera "The Power of the Enemy" and others. The artist collaborated with the Moscow Art Theater, the K. Nezlobin Theater, the Maly Theater, the Mariinsky Theater, and others. Tretyakov Gallery) and make-up for the drama The Posadnik by A. Tolstoy (1922, KMII).
The exhibition of works by B. Kustodiev, chamber in size, but thematically diverse, and allows you to get an idea of the main directions of the artist’s work, possessing a bright, original talent, "Russian".
The exhibition will be accompanied by an extensive educational program (excursions, lectures, children’s activities) and interactive content (showing videos and a virtual gallery of the master’s works).
The exhibition of works by B. Kustodiev will work at the address: Kaluga, st. Lenin, 104 until October 4, 2020
Age limit: 0+.
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