Exhibition "Attraction of Realism"
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с 15 Марта
по 22 АпреляМузейно-выставочный комплекс Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский переулок, 17
From March 15 to April 22, 2018, the Museum of Exhibition of the School of Watercolors of Sergei Andriyaka will host the exhibition “The Attraction of Realism”, the exposition of which includes more than 100 paintings, graphics and sculptures of nineteen talented contemporary artists.
The main objective of the project is to show the Russian audience that realism as a creative artistic method successfully exists and develops in contemporary art.
The participants of the exhibition are representatives of different generations: both recognized masters of Russian fine art and very young artists. Thanks to such a wide circle of participants, it can be justifiably said that the exposition quite objectively and fully reflects the main trends in the development of contemporary Russian art. Visitors to the exhibition will see the works of Vladimir Akinshin, Yaroslav Zyablov, Alexander Kosnichev, Olga Kurilova, Natalya Leonova, Peter Lubaev, Victor Motorin, Pavel Popov, Pavel Blokhin, Ivan Balashov and many others.
The exhibition project "The Attraction of Realism" has been successfully passing for several years and originates from 2009. During this time, the exhibition gained the status of a traditional review of the creative achievements of artists of the Moscow School of Painting. However, over the years, artists from other cities of Russia took part in the project: St. Petersburg, Perm, Vyatka, etc. The high professionalism of execution, the authenticity and poetics of displaying reality, an attentive attitude to nature and a deep interest in people remain unchanged.
The exhibition "The Attraction of Realism" will be interesting not only to specialists, but also to all lovers of contemporary Russian realistic art.
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