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с 2 по 11 Октября
Галерея “А3”
Староконюшенный переулок, 39
Ancient civilizations always excite the imagination. At the beginning of the 3rd millennium, the study of ancient cultures takes on special significance. Modern people are no longer tied to a permanent residence, community, religious denomination, their consciousness is deeply eclectic. The most ancient cultures, in contrast, are an example of a holistic worldview. We find the lost integrity in primitive art. It is she who is the secret of magical influence on us.
Southern Siberia is so rich in ancient monuments that it is called an open-air museum. Last summer, we organized the I Siberian Expedition to collect ethnocultural materials, visited a group of international artists in Khakassia and Tuva. Based on the collected materials, the exhibition HIKING FORCE is being prepared. Talking about the unusual number of monuments in the territory of Khakassia, and the great movement of peoples towards southern Siberia, historians usually attribute this phenomenon to a favorable microclimate, an abundance of metal ores… But during the expedition we realized that the peoples were a unique feature and magnet Places of Power located in these parts, which are still revered by the locals.
What came to us in the form of stone sculptures and destroyed to the base of cities, pottery and clay portraits, cave paintings, bronze ornaments and cauldrons, of course, was not limited to the material world of ancient people - most objects made from less durable materials are simply disappeared, collapsed by time. The artist can not limit his imagination by recreating antique utensils, carpets and fabrics, furniture and clothes, whole scenes from the life of ancient people. Modern artists, interpreting antiquities, are able to breathe new life into old history, to stretch a living thread through millennia.
Andrey Prigov, Russia - United Kingdom
Beatrice Reinhardt, USA
Damir Muratov, Russia
Maria Arendt, Russia
Meike Lane, Belgium
Olga Jurgenson, Great Britain
Svetlana Ilyicheva, Russia
Tatyana Musi, Mexico
Tatyana Antoshina, Russia
Vera Sazhina, Russia
Fedor Dodonov and Hayk Simonyan, Russia
Katya Khan, USA
The exhibition runs from October 2 to 11, 2015
The gallery is open daily, except Mondays from 11.00 to 21.00
- Silvano Vincheti: a student of Leonardo da Vinci posed for Mona Lisa
- Exhibition "Other Worlds"
- Photo exhibition "Baikal. Territory of Life" will open in the "Estate of V.P. Sukachev"
- Arseny Zhilyaev "The Return"
- Creativity of the philosopher and artist Lev Dyakonitsyn at an exhibition in Kaluga