Exhibition "Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky in collectibles"
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с 4 Сентября
по 4 ОктябряКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
September 4 at 16-00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts will open the exhibition "Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky in collectibles" from the private collection of collector Stanislav Stepanov, dedicated to the year of literature in Russia.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930) - Russian Soviet poet, a bright personality of avant-garde art, one of the greatest poets of the XX century. In addition to poetry, he brightly proved himself as a playwright, screenwriter, film director, film actor, artist, editor of the magazines "LEF" ("Left Front"), "New LEF". His work had a significant impact on the poetry of the XX century.
Mayakovsky’s rebellious nature manifested itself in everything: appearance, manner of dressing, recitation of verses. He was impudent, shocking and rude, but at the same time very vulnerable. At age 15, he becomes a member of the RSDLP (b), rushing headlong into revolutionary agitation. A series of arrests begins, acquaintance with the Butyrka prison, where the "first notebook" of verses was written. After his release “due to minority”, Mayakovsky entered the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in 1911. There, he becomes an active participant in the cubic-futuristic group of D. Burliuk, who immediately recognizes him as a very talented poet, and at the end of 1912 in the almanac of “Slap the Public Taste” along with the scandalous futuristic manifesto the first poems of Mayakovsky are published. 1914 was a significant year in terms of creativity: his first collection under the sonorous title “I” was published, he debuted as a playwright with the tragedy “Vladimir Mayakovsky”.
Mayakovsky accepts the revolution of 1917 with all his heart, this enthusiasm permeates all his work of those years. He considered himself a poet of the revolution. According to the poet, he should serve only the revolution and the new society. Denying everything old and obsolete, he became a symbol of creative freedom and artistic experiment. In 1919, he devoted the power of his talent to cooperation with the Russian Telegraph Agency, and he worked not only as a poet, but also as an artist (the famous posters “Windows of GROWTH”). 20s - the heyday of Mayakovsky. He writes a lot, speaks, he is known and loved, he becomes the idol of millions of people. Organizational talent is not inferior to poetic, as evidenced by the bright 6 years of leadership of the legendary Left Front of the Arts. Numerous trips abroad (1924-1926) inspired the poet to write a whole series of poems and poems, permeated not only by the delight of what he saw, but also by his great love for his homeland.
Mayakovsky’s literary world is a complex synthesis of tragedy, farce, heroic drama. He wrote equally talented and great poems, permeated with the pathos of revolution, and small poems - agitation. In theatrical plays "Bedbug", "Bath" Mayakovsky showed remarkable dramatic talent. But in the first place is still the eternal theme of love.
The poet’s work is so original and unique that it necessitates the search for forms of its reflection in our days.
The exhibition “Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky in Collectibles” gives us a visual representation of the scale of V. Mayakovsky’s personality, demonstrating a wide range of unique exhibits from S. Stepanov’s private collection, which began in the late 70s of the last century.
Stepanov Stanislav Nikolaevich - was born on 05/28/1959 in the city of Norilsk. Civil engineer, poet, collector, local historian. Since 2012, he has been living with his family in the city of Maloyaroslavets, Kaluga Region. From school, he became interested in reading the works of the poet V. Mayakovsky, liked the rhythm of poems, unusual images, metaphors, hyperbole and rhyme. Leafing through the magazine "Twinkle" No. 21 for 1978, he read an article by V. Makarov "New in the Immortal Heritage" about Mayakovsky’s unpublished poem "We are Communists". The clipping from the magazine was preserved and marked the beginning of the collection of information about the poet and his work. Stanislav Stepanov was not limited only to the print format, he was interested in how the image of Mayakovsky was still preserved and transformed.
So a whole collection gradually appeared, which today has about 500 exhibits.
The exhibition features books, posters, postcards, Soviet and foreign stamps, postal envelopes, match labels, cabinet sculptures - busts, badges, table medals, coins, porcelain poet images, phonograph records and laser discs with the recording of the voice of Vladimir Mayakovsky, his poems and songs.
This personality shocked the entire poetic world and left a significant mark in the Russian poetry of the Silver Age, becoming a symbol of creative freedom and artistic experiment, the avant-garde works of the "poet-worker" remained accessible to a wide audience throughout the Soviet period…
Mayakovsky’s life was controversial, difficult and time-consuming. He walked the path of the great, searching for his own, in the direction of the revolutionary struggle and the building of a socialist society.
The exhibition runs until October 4. To the address: Lenin St., 103 (second floor)
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