An open-air exhibition of the participants of the Festival "Khvalynsky Etudes K.S. Petrov-Vodkin-2019"
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с 5 Сентября
по 6 ОктябряСаратовское художественное училище имени А. П. Боголюбова
Университетская, 59
An exhibition based on the results of the 4th Interregional Festival “Khvalynsky Etudes of K. S. Petrov-Vodkin” is presented at the Bogolyubovsky Art School

A large exhibition of works by students and teachers from art schools in Saratov, Penza, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, the Stavropol artists of the Koleso association, participants in the traditional Khvalynsky open air, gifted children from art schools in the Saratov region in Khvalynsk ended in a two-week IV Interregional festival "Khvalynsky etudes of K. S. Petrov-Vodkin." A one-day exhibition was exhibited on the central street of Sovetskaya, several hundred sketches were written on it, written in the city and the environs of Khvalynsk. The exhibition turned out to be many-sided and multi-genre, each school showed its strengths: somewhere, preference is given to light, somewhere tone prevails, somewhere light or form is accentuated - each art school has its own traditions that have been developing for decades.
In a significantly reduced format, this open-air exhibition of the participants of the Festival “Khvalynsky Etudes K.S. Petrova-Vodkin-2019” is currently exhibited in the halls of the Bogolyubov Saratov Art School. Its peculiarity is that the students’ works are presented on a par with the works of teachers. This is a great visual material for those who want to understand the secrets of working in the open air, to learn the art of craft.
Terms of exhibiting: September 5 - October 6, 2019.
The creation of this exhibition was preceded by the enormous work of the Ministry of Culture of the Saratov Region, the Saratov Art College, and the regional House of Art Workers with the support of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts in organizing and conducting the Khvalynsky open air. All participants in the open air lived in excellent conditions on the territory of the SOC “Monk’s Cave”. A rich creative program was formed (for the first time this year, a 2-week one) with trips to Khvalynsk and its environs. Themes of plein airs: architecture of the old city, Mount Kalancha and the circular panorama of Khvalynsk; panorama from the Cheremshanskaya mountain, panorama from the ski resort, trips to the villages of Alekseevka, Popovka, Yablonka were planned. Every evening, creative meetings were held at which they introduced and got acquainted with the features of work and study at art schools in six cities - Saratov, Penza, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Yaroslavl, Ryazan.
For the first time, at the suggestion of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, colleagues from the Stavropol Territory were invited to the open air - members of the Wheel Association of artists of the South of Russia (leader Oleg Kalaytanov). Their plein air and exhibition activities have long become a notable event in the cultural life of the North Caucasus. After all, the Wheel Association has been active for more than 19 years. According to the results of the Khvalynsky plein air-2019, the leadership of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts can declare with all responsibility that the invitation of the Stavropol artists paid off: their active participation in the plein air program - conducting workshops, creative meetings and round tables - contributed to a noticeable increase in the quality of student plein air works, and also mutually beneficial creative exchange between art schools of the Volga region and the South of Russia. And what is important - the revival of the plein air tradition, which is relevant today.
Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts, head of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts K.V. Khudyakov, welcoming the participants of the Festival in Khvalynsk, noted: “The fourth festival“ Khvalynsky Etudes ”was bright, effective and large-scale. All this was preceded by a lot of work. The Governor of the Saratov Region and the Ministry of Culture are developing the festival in the right direction. The previous three festivals lasted one week, and this year, at our request, the governor extended for two weeks. As a result, a huge number of resource-significant works - studies, creative works, paintings! And here is a kilometer-long street, forced by plein air. Great conditions in the "Monk’s Cave." Young artists lived in adult conditions and plowed like adults, from morning to night, stained with paint, with sketchbooks and parasols. I am sure they passed a real school of life in Khvalynsk. And I can responsibly declare that right now a serious basis is being laid for the present future Saratov art school. I congratulate Khvalynsk on this historical mission and wish the Festival further development! ”
It should be noted that in Khvalynsk the final round table was held: “Plein air and easel painting on the background of Petrov-Vodkin-2. The role of the open air in the formation of a young artist ”, organized by the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts in conjunction with the Bogolyubovsky school (facilitators: K. V. Khudyakov, S. A. Kuznetsova, I. G. Smirnov). The open-air participants were given the opportunity to discuss with the colleagues and students all the pros and cons of the two-week work, to express wishes for improving the creative and educational part of the open-air. All proposals will be taken into account by the organizers when forming the program of the next Khvalynsky plein air, which will traditionally be held in mid-August 2020. The organizers and open-air participants were awarded with Diplomas of the Ministry of Culture of the Saratov Region and Gratitude of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Within the framework of the Khvalynsk festival, a Creative meeting of the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Arts K.V. Khudyakov with the participants of the open air was organized. Topic: “The latest digital technologies in the context of contemporary fine art. Stereo-technologies in monumental art ”opened up prospects for the application of new technologies in art to students of art schools.
The program of the Festival had many interesting meetings and presentations.
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Museum of Local Lore, the opening of the art object “Danilil Kharms Arbor” of the Fund for the Development of Contemporary Art took place. The ROSIZO Museum and Exhibition Center presented the exhibition project “Void Density” by artist A. Andreev from St. Petersburg.
The presentation of wall paintings of the early 20th century by L. A. Radishchev, restored in July 2019 by Moscow restorers, took place in the Konstantin S. Petrov-Vodkin Picture Gallery. The exhibition "The roads of the open air" of the Union of artists of the South of Russia "Wheel" was also presented at the Art Gallery. The last exhibition at the initiative of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, supported by the Ministry of Culture of the region, will be presented in September in the halls of the Bogolyubovsky School in Saratov. The plein air theme is most in demand among the artists of the art school at the beginning of the school year.
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- Exhibition "Roads of the open air" of the association of artists of the South of Russia "Wheel"