Exhibition "Plein Air - 2021"
Automatic translate
с 1 по 20 Февраля
Дом Художника
ул. Лермонтова, д.8

On February 1, 2022 at 5:00 pm, the Plein Air 2021 exhibition opens in the House of Artists, bringing together sketches and sketches by artists-members of the Union of Artists, made exclusively from nature and born in direct interaction with nature.
Plein air (or painting created in nature) is a serious school for an artist of any age. Young artists often see in their work in the open air an opportunity to find or develop their own unique style, comprehend the laws of harmony. However, for the older generation of plein air artists, not only “hand training” is an opportunity to “peek” the theme, the development of which will move on to subsequent, more solid canvases. Nature is inexhaustible in its perfection, and therefore every time it shows artists a new lesson in beauty.
The geography of the reporting plein air exhibition for 2021 is quite wide: these are Crimean motifs made both on independent creative trips (L. Zaremba, E. Skripnikova) and in an organized plein air (XXIV Traditional Academic Sevastopol Plein Air, E. Bobrova); natural motifs made in the vicinity of Lake Baikal (S. Kapralov), views of the Sverdlovsk region (S. Kostikova), Far Eastern sketches (A. Kovalenko). Omsk flourishes in a new way in the sketches of artists (A. Kusakina, E. Kozachenko, N. Molodtsov, E. Sveshnikova), protected areas of the Omsk region (N. Babash, S. Korytov, I. Krivdova, Z. Mineeva, L. Pobilat, A. Serdyuk, E. Tonkikh and others). Artists also work tirelessly in their suburban garden plots (E. Dorokhov). In addition to traditional pictorial studies, a special place in the exhibition is occupied by V. Maslov’s live graphic works from nature, adjoining both solid lengthy graphic sheets (N. Pozdnyakov) and lively sketches (K. Shestakova). Traditionally, artists were also interested in Orthodox architecture - here are the religious buildings of the cities of Tobolsk and Rostov the Great in interiors and exteriors (E. Bobrova, E. Gostier, etc.), solved in the techniques of painting and graphics.
At the exhibition, the viewer can see the artist’s direct, reverent look at the miracle of nature, and also get the opportunity to plunge into the subtle world of harmony and light.