Exhibition "Pin-up. Cover Girls"
Automatic translate
с 13 Октября
по 14 ЯнваряУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
October 13 at 16.00 in the Estate V.P. Sukachev opens an exhibition from private collections "Pin-up. Cover Girls. ” The Art Bank Exhibition Center from St. Petersburg for the first time in Irkutsk presents the most flirty style in the art of the 20th century, which has excited, tempted and teased viewers from all over the world for more than a hundred years.
Pin-up was the first direction in the art of the West, won the love and recognition of the general public before it attracted the attention of critics and gallery owners. Posters, calendars and advertising leaflets, spreads of the first editions of Esquire and Playboy, Zippo lighters and playing cards… More than 80 “particles of the era” that turned into an object of collectors hunting in the middle of the 20th century and will become exhibits of the exhibition at V. P. Sukachev’s Estate carefully preserved for decades.
Recognized masterpieces of American pin-up style graphics will tell the whole story of the trend: about its origin at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, development in the era of jazz, the Great Depression and the Golden Age of Hollywood, the heyday of the Second World War, the sunset under the pressure of sexual Revolution of the 1960s and revival at the end of the millennium. The vibrant works of Gil Elvgren, Alberto Vargas, George Petty, Earl MacPherson, Earl Moran and other artists will be complemented by many interesting notes about the creators and muses of the pin-up and the atmosphere of their time: from the grandeur of a burlesque show to the bikini revolution in the fashion industry.
Exhibition "Pin-up. Cover Girls ”will open on October 13 at 16.00 in the Estate of V.P. Sukachev (112 December Events Street) and will be open until January 14, 2018. Entrance to the opening is free.
- “The Feast of the Goat” by Mario Vargas Llosa
- Gil Elvgren pin-up illustration sold for $ 286 thousand
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- Thematic tour of the exhibition "Revolution and art: on the 100th anniversary of the events of October 1917"