Exhibition "Loop of Time"
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с 26 Мая
по 7 ИюняГалерея актуального искусства “theHARASHO”
ул. Бартенева, 1-5
It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of the German writer Lyon Feuchtwanger: "A man is talented, talented in all areas." In confirmation of this, the “HARASHO” contemporary art gallery presented an exhibition of the young Yevpatorian artist Anton Osintsev. His huge potential and powerful talent border on pathological modesty, but this does not prevent Anton from using expressive means of graphics, painting, theater, illustration and animation in his work.

Another facet of the talent of the artist-Evpatorian is the ability to work with children. Osintsev is a teacher and artist at the Golden Key International Center for Theater Arts. In 2014, he created the Art-Nova art studio for students aged 9 to 17 years. In the same year, the guys got the opportunity to present their works to the audience in one of the best exhibition halls of the Crimea - in the gallery of contemporary art “theHARASHO”.
Young artists, together with the leader of a friendly, creative team, improve their skills and technical skills in various areas of art: design (theatrical costume design, industrial design), book illustration, set design, graphic arts, academic drawing and animation.
For the second time, the artist himself surprises visitors to the gallery with non-trivial works that differ not only in their impressive form, but also in their deep content and laborious technique. Exactly 10 years, the first exhibition of Osintsev in theHARASHO took place - during this time he grew professionally, enriched with new skills and abilities, becoming a real Artist.
The exhibition "Loop of Time" was opened by the curator of the gallery of contemporary art "theHARASHO", Honored Artist of the ARC Andrei Permyakov. According to Permyakov, the exhibitions of young artists popularize our peninsula and are an incentive for them to work harder in order to ultimately represent their hometown in the national and international arenas.
Today’s exhibition is the result of a long and painstaking work of the artist. Some graphic pages became the chronicle of architectural monuments of Crimea with more than a century of history. There are works very extraordinary - I want to consider and consider them, finding new readings every now and then. The more complicated the person, the more interesting his work!
Osintsev considers his mentors ICST “Golden Key”, Honored Artist of Crimea Dimitry Nikolaev and his mother, head of the art studio “Sun” of the Center for Contemporary Art “Coeval” Olga Osintseva. Together with the talented master Nikolayev, Anton creates, learns from him, improves, nourishes. As theater artists, masters stage the stage of the Yevpatoriya theater, write sets for performances, and develop costume designs. In 2017, Anton became the artist-tanner of the repertoire play “The Adventures of Cipollino”, which collects sold-outs and enjoys great audience love and popularity.
Reference: Anton Osintsev - illustrator, theater artist. Born January 15, 1992 in Yevpatoriya. He graduated from the art and graphic department of the Crimean Institute of Information and Printing Technologies of the Ukrainian Academy of Printing (KIIPT UAP) Simferopol. Has been engaged in pedagogical activities since 2011.
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