Exhibition of sand graphics "Out of Time"
Automatic translate
с 19 Марта
по 10 АпреляГалерея современного искусства ГМИИ РТ
ул.Карла Маркса, 57
In 2015, sand animation artists came together. In the vast social network "Vkontakte" was born the community "Sand Active", uniting the masters of sand art in several countries. Communication, exchange of experience, creative battles helped and help to develop this unusual art form. As a result of this exchange, the idea of holding the І International exhibition of sand graphics arose. The authors of the idea were artists from Kharkov Anastasia Melentsova and Anna Ruzhinskaya.
At different times, graphic artists used various techniques and materials. At the end of the twentieth century, sand animation appeared. Sand and glass, light and shadow, movements of the artist’s hands and imagination create images that replace each other in front of the audience… This creates a sand story. Sand differs from other art materials by fragility. Sand graphic artists amaze with techniques and techniques in this original and new form of graphic art, which has been successfully and rapidly developing, replenished by talented artists for more than 50 years.
Using bulk equipment, artists of the 21st century sand art create their work with sand. They are fixed with a digital camera, printed using high-resolution technology on various materials. You have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the results of this work at the exhibition.
Popularization of sand art, development of sand graphics are the main ideas of the project. 38 artists from different cities and countries take part in the І International traveling exhibition of sand graphics, presenting their works in galleries in 28 cities of 4 countries: Belarus, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine.
At the opening you will find a concert program of sand animation artists of your hometown and guests from other regions - you will see the process of creating a sand painting online. Guests of the exhibition will have a unique opportunity to try themselves as an artist of sand animation.
The whole evening with us the laureates of international competitions - the Guitarra Magia ensemble under the direction of Alexander Lavrentiev.
During the exhibition, sand animation workshops will be held for children and adults (8+, for groups of 12 people, cost 50 rubles). The first master class will be held on March 27 at 2 p.m. Applications are accepted on the event pages in social networks. Equipment for the master classes is provided by the ForSandArt sand table manufacturing company.
The exhibition works with the charity fund. Angela Vavilova. Each visitor of the exhibition will have the opportunity to provide all possible assistance to children with cancer.